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Rj83014 Asked April 2018

Cause of death still pending after 6 months; what is taking so long?

My mom passed suddenly and unexpectedly about 6 months ago after returning to the home she was at after a short outpatient surgery. She left the hospital in stable condition. She returned to the home and 2 hours later died. The home failed to follow her discharge instructions. I have been in touch with the coroner and an attorney but almost 6 months later nothing! No autopsy was done. The coroner was unable to perform one since my mother was already embalmed at the funeral home. My question would be, how long in the state of Pennsylvania until there NEEDS to be a cause of death on the certificate? And what is taking so long? I am suffering from anxiety due to the nature of my mother’s death. My mother was not involved in hospice nor was she in declining health and was 55.

Rj83014 Apr 2018
From what the attorney says they are waiting for a report from the coroner. I’ve contacted everyone I could to move this faster but I think I’ve exhausted all avenues

ohmeowzer Apr 2018
You will probably need to get a lawyer ..RNs can pronounce when a person has passed away ..I don’t understand why it’s taking so long either ..I’d write a letter to the coroner and see if you get a reply ..I’m so sorry for your loss I wish I could hug you ,,this is unneeded anxiety ...I’m sending love and prayers your way


Rj83014 Apr 2018
The only thing my attorney was able to tell me is that her condition was stable when she left the hospital. Everyone is moving slow on this and it’s very aggravating! I’m suffering from anxiety cause of this and I’ve spoke to county commissioners, coroners, and my attorney and their investigator and I’ve gotten more answers than them. I just don’t know what to do

Rj83014 Apr 2018
My mom suffered a stroke 2 years prior. Earlier that day before her death she had a leap procedure and dnc done due to bleeding and woman issues. She was stable leaving the hospital. Thing I don’t get is that the dep coroners name is listed on her death certificate, but a RN pronounced her. Yet the dep coroner is upset that they were not contacted to perform an autopsy. We already know the home did not follow discharge instructions. 911 was to be called Incase if shortness of breath. They put oxygen on her instead. I believe the home is hiding something. I was informed by the dept of health the home was fined and admitting to not following procedure upon a death of resident.

CTTN55 Apr 2018
What does the attorney say?

JoAnn29 Apr 2018
You may have to hire a lawyer for your answers. Why was Mom in a NH?

igloo572 Apr 2018
My guess would be that coroner should do a review of the initial report and then issue a revised death certificate.

Could the delay be related to heirs having to pay for reopening file?

If it was the NH medical director who sign off on death, and coroners office has called it into question, and the medical director / NH has litigation against them, then it’s all on your wrongful death attorney to make things move along. What has attorney said or written to you?

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2018
Your mom was a resident of what kind of home?

How did it happen that there was an unexpected, unexplained and presumably unwitnessed death and police were not involved?


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