My mom is very thin and frail and keeps readjusting her underwear and sweat pants, can't seem to get comfortable. I worked in a care facility and patients usually wore sweat pants, can't remember about underwear. Mom is continent of bladder and bowel which seems unusual with her advanced condition. Seems either too tight or too loose, just not right. Wondering if anyone has an idea of what to wear as underwear or no underwear and comfortable slacks. Thanks for any suggestions
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Edit: leggings and long shirts might be a nice option, too. Good leggings fit snug without feeling tight. Mom also loved her leggings, and yoga pants as well, before we had to do the hip protector thing. Also, is it the leg hole of the underwear that bothers her? 'Cause that's always my complaint! In which case she might like women's boxer briefs instead of regular underwear. And it's not my thing, but if a person washes their pants after every wear, I don't see why they can't go commando.
Maybe take a few measurements.
I think with pull-on pants it is the same process. As soon as you find one that fits comfortably and washes well, go back to that store and buy several more. Bundle up the uncomfortable ones and give them away.