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Marybeth37 Asked April 2018

How can I keep my brother from kicking my elderly mother out of her home?

My brother has moved into my elderly mother's home uninvited with his girlfriend and her children. He is verbally abusive and pushy and I am afraid he is going to try to kick her out and keep her home. What can I do to stop this?

Shane1124 Apr 2018
Yes, call office on Aging or APS even. Your brother is unreasonable in his requests.
Hopefully the deed is in your mom’s name.

JoAnn29 Apr 2018
Call Office of the Aging.


freqflyer Apr 2018
Marybeth, sounds like your Mom might be afraid of your brother, otherwise she would have put her foot down saying he cannot stay. I know asking a grown child to leave isn't easy. Why is he there in the first place? Is he out of a job and cannot afford to live elsewhere? If he is working, is he paying rent? How long has he been there?

How old is your Mom and how far is she into her age related decline? Is there enough equity in her house for her to move into Assisted Living [which is different from a Nursing Home]. That way she could sell the house. Otherwise, if she is afraid of him, she might not be comfortable staying at her house by herself.

If the house is really nice, Mom could even rent the house to someone else to make some extra money to help pay for Assisted Living, or for Mom to move into a senior apartment where the rent is based on one's income.

gladimhere Apr 2018
If mom does does not want him there she should call the police. How old is mom? Is she competent?


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