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raceink2018 Asked April 2018

Need advice about how to deal with rogue relatives that keep causing problems.

Hello, recently I inherited a house that belonged to my late grandmother by an "Irrevocable Inter Vivos Deed of Gift” in which she prepared and had notarized by 2 notary witnesses. One month prior she amended and restated her trust, revoked the original POA/Trustee and appointed me the new POA/Trustee through an attorney she hired to help her properly make these changes. The amendment to her trust divides the estate between her 3 grandchildren; 45% to me and my brother, and 10% to my sister, and that only I could buy out my brother and sister with the money that I would be inheriting. Approximately one month later she became disappointed after finding my brother had hired a lawyer and with his twin sister and the former POA/Trustee alongside, was trying to gain control of her funds and assets, entirely against her wishes. So, she decided she no longer wanted them to have any money from her home if they were trying to get her out of her home in order to sell it while she was still alive. That’s when she decided she wanted me to have sole ownership of her home. Since she passed, the former POA/Trustee has had an attorney serve me a Notice to Vacate as well as a Notification by Trustee pursuant to probate code 16061.7 she filed, all through the attorneys my grandma originally hired to draw up the trust. Since the former POA/Trustee was stirring up a variety of issues with the estate and fabricating stories in attempt to hold full control over my grandmother and her Trust, she went to a different attorney for the most recent amendment and restatement. The last year or more of my grandma’s life I became dedicated, as well as my girlfriend at the time, to taking care of her 24/7 with no help from the other grandchildren or the former POA. It has been very overwhelming trying to defend against malicious attacks on top of caring for her. While she was still alive, my main concern was her well being and had the to finish out her years in as much comfort and happiness as possible. so in turn I didn’t prepare for the financial part of things to come in the future and now that time has come and I’m beside myself and need some direction on how to go about carrying out my responsibilities to the promise I made my grandma to do my best at settling her estate as she wished.

anonymous439773 Apr 2018
Try Legal Aid

raceink2018 Apr 2018
Thank you for your response. I totally agree, however I don't have any money on hand to hire an attorney. I have money coming but I dont have access to it at this time.and I havent been able to find a lawyer that doesnt want money up front to get started.... between $5,000-$10,000 So I was hoping if I posted it then someone might come along that went through something similar that could give me some advise/ direction.


GardenArtist Apr 2018
I totally agree with MAC. This is a complicated situation, with issues that really need to be addressed by estate planning or elder law attorneys with contested litigation experience. This could get ugly very quickly. You need someone strong and aggressive to protect your rights.


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