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Helen2018 Asked April 2018

Do I have the right to move Mother to another NH in the same city based on facility conditions?

Found NH which will accept "medicaid pending" in our area (TX). Facility is not my 1st choice for long term care for my mother. Facility is the oldest one in the city and has horrible smell. Being told once she is in the facility her Medicaid will be approved within 45 days. Do I have the right to move her to another NH in the same city based on facility conditions?

DeeAnna Jun 2018
I haven't had to deal with Medicaid pending. I do know that it is difficult when you don't have the money to have your loved one go to a nursing home that you like.

Go to Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare website and look up nursing homes in your area of TX and see if any of them are Medicaid-certified and what their ratings are.

The Nursing Home Compare has detailed information about every Medicare- and Medicaid- certified nursing home in the country. The information tells you if that nursing home has had some problems that were severe enough to warrant a warning by the state and/or federal government. It doesn't replace visiting the nursing home, but it least, it gives you an idea of some other options in TX. Good Luck.

Schoch6608 Jun 2018
The Horrible NH my Grandmother is in will not let her move. They tell the NH that’s willing to take her bad things about her so they won’t take her. She is wheel chair bound and doped up. She doesn’t do anything but ramble. This place is a prison.


GardenArtist Apr 2018
Oh, another comment - be sure to read the admission papers to make sure you don't to keep your mother there for any specific time.

Have you spoken with anyone at Medicaid? They would probably be the ones to contact about moving your mother.

GardenArtist Apr 2018
I've never been involved with Medicaid, so I don't know if you can switch while she's Medicaid pending, but I don't see why because it's an assistive program not exclusive to one specific facility that accepts Medicaid. If this particular facility applied for the Medicaid for her, that might be an obstacle. I'm not sure though why the status couldn't be used at another nursing home.

What I would do is contact the others in the area, after touring them and ensuring that one or more are ones you would consider. (The nose smell test would be a good start).

Ask about the Medicaid pending status, if they would accept her on that basis. And also raise the issue of the 3 months' advance payment and see if they're negotiable. Sometimes facilities are - it's worth a try.

You can also take a different approach: ask how you can get her transferred to a different facility, under the circumstances of the pending status and not having the funds now.

I don't know if facilities would take an interest free promissory note to pay; they'd probably have to also take a security interest in assets in the event that you didn't pay, but it's worth a try.

This current place sounds like something that could discourage your mother and set the tone for future discomfort. I'm not trying to scare you, far from it. I'm just thinking that the sooner you can find a solution to get her out, the better.

You can also support your desire to move by doing some background investigation to determine if the smelly place has outstanding citations or complaints, especially about undesirable odors.

Good luck; let us know if any of the suggestions work out.

cwillie Apr 2018
Helen, I hoped that you might get more responses from those who have experience with moving their loved ones, we read about it here often enough. I would be straight with the new facility about the reasons for the move and that she is or will be on medicaid, they should be able to guide you through the process.

Helen2018 Apr 2018
Yes, I have POA.
This facility requires 1 month in advance. Most that I have interviewed, are asking 3 mo. in advance. Which I can not afford. Trying to make the best decision for my mom. And need the reassurance, I have the right to move her.once medicade is approved.

cwillie Apr 2018
Of course she can move it isn't a prison sentence, but you would have to find another facility willing to take her as medicaid pending.... I assume you have medical and financial POA? Can she or family afford a period of private pay?


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