My MIL is showing worrying signs of dementia or Alzheimer's. She tells huge lies, makes up stories about people who don't even exist, can't remember we are coming to see her even if we remind her multiple times, her memory is gone and she is neglecting herself. She is and has been very combative, argumentative and nasty forever. We are taking her to a geriatric Dr for competiency evaluation but she will never agree to go in a nursing facility. How do we get her there physically if she won't go? One person suggested calling the police which sounds horrific. What do they do, carry out the elderly kicking and screaming in handcuffs? Even if we have all the legal documents in place, how can we get her to actually physically go? Believe me, we can't get her to get blood drawn or take medicine. She will not go if she says no and how does one force a mother --- bound and gagged? This is so upsetting. She is not eating efficiently, losing weight and will not buy clothes ---- she's down to one set. If we buy clothes and household items, she throws them out. She won't allow us to keep her refrigerator plugged into buy food. And would a nursing home accept her if it's against her will? Has anyone had this problem? We don't know what to do.
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It sounds like your mom is out of control and causing herself medical harm. I think that justifies using existing laws to get her the help she desperately needs.