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Silentsilver54 Asked April 2018

What to do about the moaning loudly while my dad is sleeping?

I love my dad very much. He just turned 98. He’s bedridden and on hospice. I’ve been his only caretaker since 2016. I’m sorry to say this and I know it’s not his fault but his groaning loudly has become very disturbing to me. He’s not in pain. It probably from nightmares. I have woken him up but it startles him and I’m afraid to keep doing it cause he has irregular heartbeat. I sit with him all the time, watch tv in his room but when he starts the noise I have to leave. I’m very tired.

cwillie Apr 2018
People can be eligible for hospice months - even years - before they die. You can't expect yourself to spend every moment by his side, when he is sleeping it's OK to leave the room.

jeannegibbs Apr 2018
Since you are sitting right there, is it critical that you can hear him? How about a headset to hear the television? (Saved my marriage.) Or listen to music or an audio book with ear buds.



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