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anonymous790796 Asked May 2018

I love my mother but I never get time to myself. I need a litlle "me time" but rarely get it. Any suggestions?

I can't leave her alone. Nobody helps me.

FrazzledMama May 2018
I feel your pain, I am in the same boat. I don't have an easy solution. Adult day care is a good idea if she is able and willing to go. Mine is a hermit and it's hard to even get her out of the house for a dr appt.

What is your mom's condition?

MsMadge May 2018
Yes, this is important and I'm sorry you have no relief but have you looked into an adult day program which would provide mom with some outside activity if she is mobile enough?
If not, could you find an aide to come twice a week or so to give you a break ?



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