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dishduck Asked May 2018

I have a POA for my mother who has dementia. I need an advance directive for her health care. Can I sign it as her POA?

Gerrygwilliams May 2018
utilizing specifics in my step-Dad's will, we completed the Advance Directive and Mom signed as the medical POA.

JoAnn29 May 2018
Yes, you can initiate a DNR. A doctor needs to sign it. Had no problem with my doctor signing. Mom was in her mid 80s with Dementia. NJ now has a green form that needs to be filled out. At each facility, the doctor there signed off.


cwillie May 2018
Sorry, I was assuming that you were asking about her care plan and directives in hospice or a nursing home and that you already are her healthcare proxy/POA.... can you tell us a little more about your situation?

jeannegibbs May 2018
Gee, I don't think so. The Advance Directive often serves as the assignment of Medical POA. Do you have that authority in some other way?

cwillie May 2018
If you are her POA for health or healthcare proxy then you can make all choices in regard to her healthcare. Even so it might be useful to have your mom take part in the conversation if she is able, my mom's nurse was very good about asking straightforward questions with yes or no answers.


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