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vhall123 Asked May 2018

Will hospice help with advanced directive paperwork? Any suggestions?

I'm concerned I'll get runaround.

Veronica91 May 2018
i think if you are younger and fairly well it would be a good idea to have an attorney draw up the documents.
As JoAnn said unless there are likely to be family disputes haveing the social worker help is usually sufficient.
Hospice does like all patients to have a DNR but of course they can not insist, but few people decline.

JoAnn29 May 2018
As medical POA I had no problem getting DNRs. First one was a form from work that the doctor signed and I kept handy for EMTs if Mom was transported to the hospital. Then the state of NJ changed the rules and now requires their green form to be filled out. Not sure if it was necessary but when in the hospital, rehab and then LTC the facility doctor had to sign off each time. But none of them questioned my POA. Actually Moms MPOA read like a living will.

Not sure if a DNR is needed when Hospice is involved. Thats the purpose of Hospice, to allow the person to die in comfort and not to use extreme measures to keep them alive. Just allow them to go in peace. Unless its the law in your state, I don't see why a lawyer needs to be involved. You as MPOA have been given authority to make decisions for someone who can't. I can't see why you would have any problem.


jeannegibbs May 2018
Ask the hospice social worker to help, or advise you about someone who can help. Or call the Area Agency on Aging and ask the same question.

Frankly, I don't think you need a lawyer to draw up an advanced directive for someone on hospice. Unless the situation is very unusual I think the standard form should be adequate. It serves for millions of people.

If there anyone who is likely to object to any aspect of the directive?

I'm not anti-lawyer, and if the person can easily afford it, having an attorney involved might give you peace of mind.

GardenArtist May 2018
Hospice could probably help, but their forms are probably much more standardized. Your best bet is to get a good elder law or estate planning attorney, either of which should be familiar with hospice protocols.

freqflyer May 2018
vhall123, when my parents got a Medical Directive it was their "Elder Law Attorney" who drew up the paperwork. Both my parents had to be able to understand what was in said document before the Attorney would allow them to sign.


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