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Deryll Asked June 2018

Are there any classes for family care givers being offered?

GardenArtist Jun 2018
The Alzheimer's Assn. used to offer a "Creating Confident Caregivers", which although focused on ALZ, could apply to any caregiver. It was a 6 week, free course, meeting weekly for a few hours.

It was run by a professional SW, handled very well, offered opportunity to become acquainted with other caregivers, and provided excellent manuals for future reference. It was worth taking a second time.

Sometimes big hospital complexes have an extensive list of courses.

JoAnn29 Jun 2018
Check some of your Assisted Living facilities. Our local one has Seminars every so often.


DeeAnna Jun 2018
If you Google "Caregiver Books", you will find many good books for caregivers.

Our Local Community College offered a NEW non-credit class called "Powerful Tools for Caregivers" this past Spring that consisted of 6 evening sessions. Maybe if you contact your local community college, they might have a similar class.


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