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mwmepmm80 Asked June 2018

My husband has a lot of phlegm all day long. He has a lot of clear, cold drainage like water. What do we do for this?

His drainage is clear and cold coming out. It gets worse when he eats. Family doctor doesn’t know how to treat. So what doctor treats this? We live in Tyler, Tx. Area

BarbBrooklyn Jun 2018
Do you mean that his nose is running, and what comes out is clear and cold?

Does he have a cold? Allergies?

Countrymouse Jun 2018
This is probably a silly question, but assuming the clear, ?cold (still baffled by that) discharge is streaming from the man's nose - the PCP did have an actual look up it, did he?

If not, take your husband to a walk-in clinic or the ER and get somebody to LOOK.


97yroldmom Jun 2018
Google CSF rhinorrhea.
I saw this condition on Dr Oz recently.

CSF rhinorrhea is the drainage of the fluid which surrounds the brain into the nose (CSF =cerebral spinal fluid + rhinorrhea = fluid draining from the nose).

Ahmijoy Jun 2018
Mw, please remember that, even if we were medical professionals on this site, it would be unethical to diagnose and attempt to treat someone without a hands on exam, wouldn’t it? Your first call if something is happening with hubby should be to his primary care doctor. Let them decide if he needs to be seen or referred to a specialist. Yes, it’s expensive. Yes, it’s a pain. And yes, this is what you need to do.

jjariz Jun 2018
Otorhinolaryngology or commonly called ENT docs.

Countrymouse Jun 2018
Cold? How cold? And how, cold?

Where is this discharge coming from?

baskethill1 Jun 2018
Maybe go see an ear/ nose / throat guy . You didnt really give alot of info. Is it out of his nose or mouth? Is he choking ? Is his breathing effected?


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