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anonymous814299 Asked June 2018

Can a person assign a secondary durable power of attorney?

Can a person assign a secondary to act as durable power of attorney? What type of form do I need - does it require 2 signatures?

97yroldmom Jun 2018
The specific requirements ( 2 signatures etc) can be state specific.
Try googling your state with DPOA requirements. Example, Alaska DPOA requirements.
Yes. You can have a secondary POA.
Be careful of online forms to make sure they cover what you are looking for. You might want to see an experienced elder attorney to make sure you have all your documents in order.
In reading your question again, let me be clear.
There are at least two people involved in a POA. The principal (let’s say you) and the person you are assigning your DPOA to. That would be your agent. This can be a limited DPOA or a DPOA that gives extensive rights to the person you are assigning.
NO ONE else can assign your DPOA but you.
IF you were asking can you assign your mom’s DPOA to someone else while you are on vacation. No. Only mom can sign her own DPOA.
She can do so as long as she is competent to know what she is doing.
If you are asking can mom redo her DPOA and list a secondary person to act just in case you pass or resign as her agent, yes. That’s a good idea to do that while she is able.
If I’m misunderstanding what you are asking, give us more details.

Tothill Jun 2018
I am Primary POA for my mother, both healthcare and financial, my brother is secondary, if I am unable to act he can step in.

We both needed to sign the paperwork, keep a copy and the original is filed with the lawyer.

Not sure if that helped you.

Mum recently redid her POAs and will, everything was updated, but the POA was the same as she had about 15 years ago.



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