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nvgorp1 Asked June 2018

My father in law passed 6/24/18. Do I have to return the July payment for Social Security and aid and attendance?

I am his daughter in law, caregiver and fiduciary. He was not married and has no minor children.

texasrdr22 Jun 2018
My Dad passed away on February 27 and we had to give back that month's payment. It did not matter that he died on the next-to-last day of the month.

AlfredR Jun 2018
The social security check that will be received in July is June's payment, and must be returned. If you notify the bank, they should be able to reverse the deposit. SSA does not make a payment for the month of death, even if on the last day.

The payment received in early June is for May and will not have to be returned.


Linda22 Jun 2018
It make take a while for the VA to close the claim for A&A. They will continue to deposit money to the bank account until the claim is closed. Don't spend any of this, as they will be sending you a letter, requesting that you send the money back. It took nearly a year with my mom, and we sent a check back for the full amount.

jjariz Jun 2018
Yes, and the SS payment received in early June for the month of June.

CTTN55 Jun 2018
Last year I sat vigil with my mother's friend (she became my friend) while she waited to "pull the plug" on her H so she could get that month's SS payment. SS doesn't prorate. She ended up dragging it out for three or so days; pulled the plug the first day of the next month.

JoAnn29 Jun 2018
Yes, I think the payment you receive in July will need to be sent back or SS will pull it if he has direct deposit. Probably the same with Aides and Attendance. may depend on the time of month he died. SS works like having a job. You get paid after you have done the work. So July's check is actually for June. Now FIL died at the end of June so he may be still entitled to it. This is a question for SS but don't be surprised if they take it back in error. If this hapoens, call and ask for it back. The funeral director should contact SS of his death but you will need to contact the VA. Don't figure on the last checks to pay bills until you know for sure he is entitled to them. As a DIL or any children. You are not responsible for FILs debts. You use what money he has to pay debtors if it isn't there it isn't there. It has been said on this forum not to call his credit card people. When the bills come and can't be paid, return them saying person deceased. Don't give your personal information out. The creditors will hound you. Again, you are not responsible for his debts.

freqflyer Jun 2018
NVGorp, when my parents had passed, social security went into the automatic deposit bank account and took back that month's payment.

Sorry, not familiar with Aide & Attendance.

My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family for the passing of your Father-in-Law.

wally003 Jun 2018
when my dad passed away I did receive a letter from SS office requesting payment. So I sent them payment. not sure about the aid and attendance. if you have the (SS & AA)Phone # you could call and ask them.


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