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Lisa8986 Asked July 2018

Do you have to be an elder to qualify for assistance, and can my daughter get paid for being my caregiver?

Hello my name is Lisa. Can my daughter who was my caregiver before she went to prison, she will be getting out this month and will continue to be my caregiver would she be able to get paid for being my caregiver?

JoAnn29 Jul 2018
Are you asking if Aging care provides assistance? If so the answer is no. We are a forum of caregiver sharing our experiences and information. What you would need to do is contact your county Office of aging and ask if there are any services they provide that may help you. If ur low income your local Medicaid office maybe able to help you with services. In the state of PA there are homecare agencies that say they will train a family member to care for you. They hire this person so they are paid by the agency and may get benefits. Look up Homecare agencies in your area and call them and see if they offer this kind of service.

gladimhere Jul 2018
Another qualifier for any government program is that the care is necessary as determined by your doctor. Even if you are able to pay her yourself a doctor would need to determine the care is necessary, a caregiver agreement executed, in order to qualify for Medicaid.


freqflyer Jul 2018
Lisa, the vast majority of grown children are not paid for being a family caregiver... unless that parent can pay the person from their own retirement fund.

Otherwise, you can try and see if you can qualify for Medicaid [which is different from Medicare]. Depending on State programs [each State manages their own Medicaid] some States will pay a family caregiver, but note the pay would be minimal. And your daughter cannot be collection from any other government source.

Curious, who was your caregiver while your daughter was away? How were they paid?


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