I am the live in caregiver for my mom. She is like a zombie all day long. Making messes in kitchen, lighting her smokes from gas stove, taking food from fridge to feed cat & dog, never just relaxes to watch TV or something. How should I be handling this type of stuff?
Like washing dishes without soap, wiping off counters with dirty rags, putting urine soaked clothes in washer when on last spin cycle. Help how can I make stuff not so hard to keep up with.
8 Answers
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so do not trust your sister because it's obvious if she doesn't trust you, something is up. family members seem to screw over their own sister and brother when their parents gets sick or & die. If it was hard for you to understand my comment I'm sorry I have a learning disability and I'm considered to be stupid.
Wait, back you & your mom
try to play music
dancing & sing
& joke around. Just make it fun
give yourself no reasons to laugh, make it fun.
my mother I like that. My dad is always grouchy, so I play music and Dance all weird and got her to dance. My mom got Parkinson's should I put the Taylor Swift song Shake It Off and I said look they are doing your dancing moves. She would always call me when I'm making dinner to tell me to stopped her from shaking so that song help to let go some aggravation.
Sorry I'm going on & on
I have nothing and no one
Because of my sister. Don't tell her you're going to talk to a lawyer just do it right honorable and fair to all your siblings before one sick one comes and be as greedy and heartless as mine. So sorry if you can't comprehend what I said. I'm stupid
Is the food she is feeding the pets totally inappropriate for them, is she using things you expected to use for dinner, or is this mostly a cost issue? The priority and level of energy you spend dealing with this probably depends on the answer. Try storing the pet food, even dry food, at the front of the fridge, so it is the first thing she sees when she opens the door.
The unsanitary practices are gross, but you can do them over correctly, without drawing it to her attention. When small children are "helping" you, it often is more work for you than if you'd just done it yourself. But you go along because it is good experience for them. In this case you go along with "help" because she can't help her behaviors. Get in the habit of always washing your counters before doing any meal prep on them. If you know dirty laundry has been added to only the final rinse cycle, run the load through the wash again. If you don't have a dishwasher, this might be the incentive to get one!
There isn't a way to be the caregiver of an impaired adult and not have your workload increased. It is good practice, of course, to try to minimize the extra tasks.
I also encourage you to look into Adult Day Health programs. It is good for socializing for your mom, and a good respite for you.
2) It sounds like medications need adjustments. Discuss with her doctor. BTW, does she see a geriatrician or a specialist in dementia? Sometimes other doctors don't really "get it."
3) Does your sister have financial POA for your mother? Is that why she thinks she can make the decisions? Even if she has POA, your mother can make the decision of how the bill-paying should be handled. And she can also change POA or assign the role to you, if that makes her more comfortable.
Do be aware of the impact transferring money to Sis's account could have on a future Medicaid application. Setting bills up on auto pay makes the most sense. Sis can have the role of reviewing the payments if she wants to be involved.
I agree that Mom should have the dignity of some access to her own money, and I'm glad you said "with my help." She shouldn't have enough access, for example, to donate thousands of dollars to a scam charity, but she should be able to spurge on items important to her, within her means. How does Sister paying her bills impact her access to her own funds?
Is this worth "fighting" sister over? In my opinion, yes, although I hope it would be a matter of reasoning and persuasion rather than fighting. Do what you have to do in mom's best interest.
my MIL has Medi-Medi - she gets X amount of hours each day from an aid. (she doesn't have dementia) she has had strokes....