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Hangingon61 Asked July 2018

Anyone have experience with reverse mortgage & Medicaid?

My mom has been living in a nursing home for the last 5 months.
She’s had Medicaid for 35 yrs & when she was admitted to the skilled nursing part there was also another application to Medicaid to cover her long term care to stay there.
Currently she (I’m her poa) has been paying the NH the monthly “rent” (they get mom’s SocSec & SSI) - $30 she gets to keep as spending money.
My mom still has her home which has a reverse mortgage on it.
The year isn’t up where they require notification that she won’t be returning so legally she is still able to access the money from her RM.
The question is my mom has already been thru the 5 yr lookback w/Medicaid (RM was taken out in 1997) and her house was put in trust to me then as well).
My mom wants to take out the remaining $40,000 she has from her RM & give it to me so I can buy a home to live in.
The rules have always been when my mom would request funds, the RM back would call her to verify it was her as a method of security.
This time my mom will have to speak w/them at the nursing home since she’s not living at home & has her house phone turned off.
She’s afraid if she tells them she won’t be returning home, they will cancel her loan & she won’t be able to get the funds.
There is the possibility that some of that money will be used to bring my mom back to her home (to die w/hospice coming) because she doesn’t want to die in the NH, but that will cost $ out of pocket so she would use the RM money to pay for that.
We’re advised NOT to tell the RM bank about this & just say that she IS coming home so there won’t be any issues with them giving my mom her money.
Is this doable??

anonymous439773 Jul 2018
They call a locksmith and have old locks removed and replaced with new locks. The costs for doing this is added to the foreclosure costs and is deducted from sale proceeds when the house is eventually sold.
Hangingon61 Jul 2018
But do they send some kind of notice saying the exact date that the house is going to be in forclosure & you have so much time to get your personal possessions out?
Hangingon61 Jul 2018
Just received the letter of yearly occupancy from the reverse mortgage co says it needs to be returned in 30 days.


Hangingon61 Jul 2018
Thank you lindylu.
I’ll call the to see if they can help.
Really appreciate knowing about them. XO

anonymous326422 Jul 2018
There might be attorneys who would do some work for you at low or no cost. One example in Chicago is the Center for Disability & Elder Law who have attorneys who do volunteer work. Catholic Social Services sometimes also offer volunteer/pro bono legal help for the elderly. The Center for Disability & Elder Law website is cdelaw (dot) org.

I really, really think you should consult an attorney on this. If Medicaid doesn't like the transfer, I'd worry they'd look to you as POA and the recipient of the transfer. If you are entitled to transfer the RM money without any penalty, getting legal advice will help you have peace of mind and should protect you. I think this is one of those times that getting over the inclination to avoid the immediate stress of contacting an attorney will be worth the peace of mind and avoidance of hassles later on.

Re: POA, different organizations may request that you provide evidence of your POA individually. Although the NH recognized it, the bank needs to verify also.

I hope you will talk to someone who is familiar with RMs and the Medicaid laws in IL. It seems like a complicated situation, and both the government and bank will want to get as much as they can. I hope you will take care and seek the advice of a professional with experience who can look out for you and your mom's best interests. I hope you are doing all right.

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
DeeAnna as soon as my mom was transferred to the skilled nursing section of the facility (from rehab), the nurses asked me about being my mom’s poa & I needed to submit that to the administrator along w/her Medicaid application so I’m pretty sure it’s been accepted.
I spoke to the hospice nurse about not getting the doctors letter from the NH administrator & the nurse said she’d be able to get it for me since she knows I need it in order to do anything w/mom’s house.
So I’m waiting for that.

DeeAnna Jul 2018
What does your Mom's POA document state are the reasons that you can evoke your power and act as your Mom's POA?

I don't know that you mentioned it until today:
" however you must remember the RM bank will NOT recognize me as my mom’s POA because the NH has yet been able to issue me the doctors letter saying that my mom’s not able to make decisions."

Usually it is NOT the Nursing Home's responsibility to contact a doctor to have the person declared "incompetent" as that could be considered a "conflict of interest" with the Nursing Home. It is the family's responsibility and that of their attorney to contact the doctor(s) and have the family member declared "incompetent".

I was lucky because my Mom’s Durable POA document states:
“I declare that this power of attorney shall not be affected by my disability or incapacity and that the authority granted herein shall continue during any period while I am disabled or incapacitated.” So as soon as Mom was admitted to the hospital and then the Nursing Home, I was able evoke my Power of Attorney.

Added: Here are some websites that you can COPY and PASTE onto your browser that tell you how to declare someone incompetent.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
You need to communicate directly with the psych doctor.

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
Riverdale when I spoke the administrator @ this NH, I told her what I needed (as told by the RM) & that was a letterhead from the psych doctor that diagnosed my mom.
She said “oh we don’t that, we only would write & correspond w/Medicare & Medicaid”.

So either she’s ignorant & doesn’t know that it IS permissible to get their doctor to write the letter or she’s lying to me.
Neither one is acceptable, but she’s got the power so what can I do??

Riverdale Jul 2018
I dont understand the hold up with NH issuing this letter. I was able to get letters such as this fairly easily. It does or might require persistence although this is not an unheard of request unless I am missing something from your post.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
You can't say to mom "Mom, we need to talk to a lawyer before we can do anything about getting the rest of the RM money"?

I think the idea of bringing mom home with full time care could be the "line" that you use to get mom to talk to the lawyer.  Although, in your shoes, I'd examine that idea with great caution before acting upon it.  But you really need to get, and take, expert legal advice in this situation.

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
What you all are suggesting (get an elder care attorney, use the RM money to do that) is all well & good however you must remember the RM bank will NOT recognize me as my mom’s POA because the NH has yet been able to issue me the doctors letter saying that my mom’s not able to make decisions.
So I’m not able to make any requests for the money from the RM.
And my mom DOES NOT know what’s going on as far as her house eventually given back to the RM bank because the hospice nurse has advised me NOT to upset her by telling her “she’s not going home”..
So again, I’m stuck.
Can’t do anything to move forward or better the situation.
It’s very, very frustrating.
I’m wondering what’s going to happen now or in the near future?
How will the RM bank get possession of my mom’s house?
They won’t be getting any keys from me since they’re refusing to acknowledge me.
What happens when a house gets foreclosed on & theres no friends or family to deal w/the bank on behalf of the deceased person?
Do they just get the police to break into the house?

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
" I wouldn't want everyone to know mom's business"?????

What would anyone know?

That mom has a lawyer?

DeeAnna Jul 2018
Sometimes you cannot just click on the link listed in this forum. You have to "Copy" and "Paste" the link onto your browser.

I did a SEARCH of "reverse mortgages and Medicaid" and these are just some of the websites that were listed.

Added: So what if an attorney comes to visit your Mom at the Nursing Home? Lots of residents need to talk to their attorney to set up/revise their will or POA or sell their property or pay taxes or whatever. You can meet privately with your Mom and the attorney in a conference room or in your Mom's room (after asking if the roommate can leave the room for the duration of the meeting). None of the nursing home staff are required or should attend this meeting.

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
BarbBrooklyn I wouldn’t want the attorney (if we get one) to come to the NH so everybody knows my moms business.
Up until this point, the social worker hasn’t been much help to me anyway.

Cats4Ever Jul 2018
I've always wondered about reverse mortgages. But suspicious, too. Clearly, an attorney.

gladimhere Jul 2018
Or Google reverse mortgage and Medicaid.

You need to consult with an elder law attorney. Use mom's money. Or what Barb said.

Monitoring by Medicaid may very well be continuous.

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
Hanging, did you try cutting and pasting the links into your browser?

The short version is "consult an attorney". If mom takes a large sum out of RM, it will disqualify her from Medicaid.  In your shoes, I'd find an eldercare attorney who will give you a free consult. If you need more advice than that, withdraw enough to cover her/his retainer. 

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
DeeAnna none of the links you posted work..:(

DeeAnna Jul 2018
I think that an attorney would the best person to answer your question. Here are some websites that discuss reverse mortgages and Medicaid:

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
Hanging, you've been advised, even before mom ended up in the nursing home, to consult with an eldercare attorney.

Mom can take some of that RM money and use it for a consultation. Find an attorney who will come to the NH and speak to both of you, perhaps with the social worker there.

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
Also my only concern right now is Will receiving the money from her RM now (while she is in the NH) be an issue w/Medicaid’s 5 yr lookback since she’s already passed that or is that something that’s continual the entire time the person receives it going forward.?

Hangingon61 Jul 2018
Marcia my mom qualified for Medicaid (years ago) based on her only income from Social Security which is extremely low.
A reverse mortgage doesn’t affect Medicaid because it’s not considered income (& not taxable btw).

anonymous594015 Jul 2018
If I understand you, your mom has been able to access the money from the RM without affecting her Medicaid eligibility for the past what- 21 years? So your only concern is with the contract with the bank holding the reverse mortgage?

In my opinion, you should consult an attorney. What you are proposing sounds as if it might be fraud. You might have other options to access the money without getting yourself into a legal problem. The social worker at your mom's residence might be able to guide you to legal aid resources.

I would be careful about taking legal advice from a forum such as this. We are really more a support group. People can tell you their own experiences, but you need a legal opinion from someone who has seen your mom's RM contract.

freqflyer Jul 2018
Hangingon61, any money your Mom takes out of her home has to go for her care.

Please note that Medicaid is funded by us taxpayers so it wouldn't be fair if Mom has money and she "gifts" it to someone else. Not many people realize this thus are not familiar with the ins and outs of Medicaid.

If your Mom wants to return home, with a Reverse Mortgage as you know, Mom would need to return back to her house within that one year spanned.

Curious as to whom had advised you not to notify the Reverse Mortgage bank that Mom will not be coming home? Your Mom would be in breach of her Reverse Mortgage contract.


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