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Faith123 Asked July 2018

What is the countable asset for a married couple?

My father is in a nursing home and my mom is at home. Their total countable asset is $2,500. Does $2,500 exceed the limit?

anonymous594015 Jul 2018
Many elder care lawyers will offer a free consultation in the hopes of being chosen to do any of the legal work recommended. At the first meeting, our lawyer explained all the rules for protecting a community spouse and suggested some actions to take. Some of the actions, like 'take the ill spouse's name off the joint account' or 'change the beneficiary on the life insurance' did not require any legal help. You might find a meeting with such a lawyer very helpful.

You want a lawyer who specializes in Elder Law. Don't go to just any lawyer.

bicycler Jul 2018
Faith123, each state has its own Medicaid rules and you should ask this question of the Medicaid office in your parents' state. But, in general, states don't require impoverishment of married couples for one person to qualify for Medicaid assistance, so their $2,500 is almost certainly not going to disqualify your father from Medicaid. Their state's Medicaid office should be able to provide guidance on how to separate their incomes and assets. If it gets more complicated than it seems it is, then you and your mom should probably see an elder law attorney specializing in Medicaid, as gladimhere suggested.


gladimhere Jul 2018
Mom is at home? Is this a home they own? Mom should see an elder law attorney for assistance.


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