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weakley69 Asked July 2018

I have been taking care of a man that is a Veteran. How do I go about getting paid for doing this for him?

Eyerishlass Jul 2018
Aid and Attendance is well worth looking into but be prepared to dig up records on your patient that go back decades. I was told about the A&A and I had to find my dad's induction notice (I think that was what it was called). One of the zillion forms he filled out when he enlisted 60 years prior. I never could find it although I discovered other papers but without that one form he couldn't get A&A.

bicycler Jul 2018
weakley69, kudos to you for taking care of a veteran. The VA's Aid and Attendance benefit that Ahmijoy mentioned is $1,830 max. per month for a single war-time veteran. If you think your veteran will qualify, before you actually have him submit an application to the VA, you should have a Personal Care Agreement (PCA) in place. You can read more about PCAs at Best wishes.


Ahmijoy Jul 2018
Check out “Aid and Attendence” on the VA site.


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