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WarriorPrincess Asked July 2018

All dementia and Alzheimer's tests show up negative, yet my 74 year old mother will stay on a topic for literally 6 hours. What is this?

We are absolutely at a loss. Does anyone know what this behavior could be. All the MRI, CT, verbal tests show she doesn't have dementia/Alzheimer's. When she is in front of the medical profession she is fine. When she is home with us, its a whole different story.


She reviews her medicine list (and other things) for hours and hours and hours. She can't get off a topic like in the movie RainMan. She studders and talks about wanting to see people who are no longer alive. She is very paranoid and can't make a decision and stick to it. She wants assisted living then she wants a small mother in law house on our property. We want to fulfill her wishes but she can't make a decision. So when do we exercise choice for her. If she is already having these issues, I fear having her on the property is just a short term fix.


Please share your experiences or thoughts. Eternally Grateful..

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2018
POA is Power of Attorney.

Has she been seen by a geriatric psychiatrist? Have you videoed any of these episilodes for the doctor to see? Has she had a 3 hour neuropsych exam (paper and pencil testing that taps reasoning, reality testing and insight?

Her brain may not be showing signs of dementia, but her mind certainly is. That's why I think you Ned a psychiatrist).
WarriorPrincess Jul 2018
Thank you so much Barb.  We have an appointment tomorrow with the Psychiatrist.  She has been refusing to eat and take her medicine.  Now she is shaking and jerking.  Hopefully we will get some information tomorrow.
HolidayEnd Jul 2018
Your mom could be exhibiting OCD or is just very good at fooling the doctors. Eventually she’ll not be able to put on a show of being mentally competent. It’s a waiting game.
WarriorPrincess Jul 2018
Thank you HolidayEnd
You are so right. It is a wating game.


staceyb Jul 2018
WarriorPrincess, How long has this unusual behavior been going on? It could be Anything from a Cerebral VascularAccident/Stroke, or a series of mini strokes, medication reactions, a Urinary tract infection/UTI, a head injury or a brain tumor, or a whole number of other things, all of which need extensive work up by a Dr.

Don't give up hope, get your Mom seen ASAP, to get to the bottom of it. I do hope you have POA FOR Health Care, if not, and she still has enough mental capacity to make the designation, then do get it as soon as possible, for your own sake! Good luck, and come back to let Us know how this turns out for you and your Mom, we all learn from each other!
WarriorPrincess Jul 2018
Thank you Staceyb... When she was in the hospital they checked for UTI and stroke. They did the MRI and didn't see any indication of Demensia. Yet every doctor we see says, "That behavior looks like it." yet she passes all the test. She is currently on the Chemo Pill after 2 rounds of Chemo so maybe that is what causing these episodes. And, some medication withdrawals. She asked the doctor to take her off veneflixin and he cut it in half and then in half again. I don't know why he would do that to 74 year old woman. We have her back on the medicine but it's been 4 weeks of craziness. She cries for hours and then spends the other hours repeating a story of how we are going to chop her up. We have asked the Doctors for help and we are getting zero results.

Thank you again. Could you please tell me what POA stands for. Thank you again for your kindness


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