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Groovygal67 Asked August 2018

Can my niece get paid to care for my husband because I can’t lose my job and he needs care?

My husband needs assistance and I can not afford to lose my job. He needs help with meds, meals, showering, memory stimulation of human contact he has many health issues and was forcibly retired. He is diabetic among a long list of other diagnosed health conditions. My niece came and has been here with us since his last his last hospitalization but has to return home trying to maybe figure a way she can come and live with us and possibly get paid for caring for her I’m just at a loss I’m scared to death to leave them here alone. His leftovers on them doesn’t take his medicine. I just worry so much she’s my best friend of course he knew I was asking all these questions or researching care I would either make me angry or very sad but he knows I think deep down you just can’t do it their time she doesn’t even know my name

worriedinCali Aug 2018
there actually is government funding for in home caregivers in many states. It’s through Medicaid/medi-cal. Usually known as in-home support services. It’s meant to address the issues of a)family members who are unable to work outside the home because they have to care for elderly/disabled family members b)the costs of nursing homes. It’s cheaper to pay for in-home care than for a nursing home. Usually you have to find and hire the caregiver, and it can be a family member. the dept of social services would be the place to go for information.

CoffeeCat Aug 2018
Here in Illinois it depends on your financial assets. If you have less than $17,500 in assets (real estate & 1 car are exempt) you can be assessed by the Community Care Program. If you qualify, they send a case worker to do a functional evaluation and verify income & assets. We’ve just met the milestone so am waiting for the assessment now. Depending on their scoring you can get up to 20 hours a week. For me, since I’m her POA, it can only be respite not payment. If there’s a family member that does not have any legal responsibility for the person and they go through a short training program, they can be paid through a Homecare Agency. Personally I think it’s stupid that a primary caregiver that can’t work and has to have POA can’t be paid but at this point, getting the respite is crucial to my own health and well being. I don’t know your financial situation but contact your local Council on Aging and ask what, if any, program they have available.
Best of luck to you and your family.


Ahmijoy Aug 2018
Unfortunately, unless your can pay your niece from your own money, the answer is probably no. Government funding for paying caregivers is as rare as hen’s teeth. When I researched it, I found out I could get paid a whole $40 a week.

I’m confused about the “leftover” thing and also, who doesn’t know your name. Can you post again and separate your sentences and thoughts with periods so your post is easier to read? Thanks.


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