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Emilysjoy Asked September 2018

I'm sincerely hoping for education on the ins and outs of getting some in-home care for my mom who is homebound.

I've been at it 24/7 for yrs.

Countrymouse Sep 2018
How are you, Emilysjoy? I'm sorry that I only just saw your question but I hope the two earlier replies at least started the ball rolling for you.

Could you say a little more about your situation? What sort of help does your mother need, and how have you been managing so far?

MargaretMcKen Sep 2018
I’m not quite sure what ‘education’ would help. It’s not just about money. Will she accept in home care from a stranger – and how to you convince her to accept it if she resists? How much care would be enough?– 24/7 is difficult to arrange, as well as very expensive. Are you thinking of bringing her to live with you in your home – or moving out of your home and moving in with her? – many many posts here would say ‘don’t do it’. Are you thinking about the alternative of Assisted Living, perhaps with added supports as well as the activities that AL usually provides?

All of these options are very complex, and depend on your personal situation. You could search all these things on this wonderful site, or provide a bit more personal information so that you get answers tailored for you. Good luck!


gladimhere Sep 2018
Would she qualify for Medicaid? Is she a veteran? Was her husband a veteran? Call the Area Agency on Aging, they are a valuable resource and know everything about getting benefits of all kinds for the elderly.


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