I am a caregiver to my 93 yr old Dad, I work part time and the past 2 years my personal stuff is pilling up due to putting my Dad first. My brother seems to not understand why I cant get everything done and said I have raised 3 kids as if I feel there is something wrong on how I am conducting my time. I say to him I am very smart on how I use my time because when I was in college I was in the honors society and know what is important and to do first.
5 Answers
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Figure out what your brother can help you with.
Make a request to him so that he can spend some time helping either you or your father.
Is there anyone else available who can help?
A teenager who can open mailand manage a few things? Shopping and cooking?
Can everyone in three family be responsible for preparing one meal a week from start to finish?
A college aged child who can pay bills or run errands?
Can you hire an assistant for 4 to 8 hours a week? Can your brother pay for the assistant?
But never mind the asinine remarks for a minute. So let's agree this isn't a time management issue, it's a time issue. If your personal stuff is piling up (because there aren't enough hours in the day, not because you're not using them to best possible effect) and you're getting worried about it, what can you change about the situation? What help does your father need, for example, and who else might be asked or paid to provide it?