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hayleyamberw Asked October 2018

What can you do when your mentally unstable mom has been brainwashed by my sister?

Now she has my daughter against me too. They posted about me on Facebook. Even going so far as saying I killed my daughter in the car accident. Wow. I couldn't reply because they both have me blocked. I have cut everyone out of my life because of their narcissism & toxicity. I must REALLY bother them so much that I have a whole post made about me...sick. I already lostmy 4 yr old I've lost this one too.

snidewoman Nov 2018
Sometimes you have to say good-bye. Don't read their posts and go on with your life. Sad some elderly are very suggestible, I understand your problem but sounds like moving on is your best bet to keep your sanity.

ShineBright Nov 2018
Hi Hayley,

I am so sorry that happened to you and though it's been years, something so traumatic doesn't just go away, so it is wise to be in therapy. I would even say the rest of your life, off and on after awhile, or whenever you feel you need it.
Just like our physical health doesn't stop, neither does our emotional. Seems like something these cruel people with personality disorders don't seem to understand!

I agree with SingSong to stay away from social media; I actually would suggest you can do social media, but choose them carefully. Ones like this site, LinkedIn, Meetup; something more supportive and business like that can help you be more productive. I personally stay away from Facebook, because it was starting to feel more personal and therefore destructive.

I am sure you get the point.

All the best to you. Trust me, I understand. I am dealing with this same level of cruelty and looking to distance myself from it all.


hayleyamberw Oct 2018
Im in therapy thank God!!! But it hurts. I only have one daughter left that's living. My other daughter & me were in a car accident 14 years ago & she was yeah. This sux. But I just want to be left alone.

SingSong Oct 2018
That is so cruel of them. From my own family experience the narcissistic mean drama never stopped and I had to go NO contact. There was simply no reasoning with them. They are mean and full of anger and tried to include me in their unhappy dramas. They constantly talk bad of others and live a negative toxic filled life. They use social media and gossip to pull in an audience and try to further hurt you. They often turn on the ones close to them over and over again. I have done much research on being from a dysfunctional family and as I see it they will never change. That is what helped me go no contact. My husband and grown children saw it coming before I did and were relieved that I cut the ties. My heart goes out to you. I hope your daughter soon understands your position.

Isthisrealyreal Oct 2018
Quit reading their posts. They are toxic.

You didn't do anything to make them feel this way, you can't do anything to change it.

I'm sorry for your loss, please seek positive support and stop reading what they write.

I don't use social personal media for that very reason, let's people "say" things with impunity.

Sendhelp Oct 2018
So sorry for your loss Hayley.


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