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esposla Asked November 2018

Suggestions on a gift for brother (caregiver for both parents)

This forum has been an enormous outlet for me over the past year. My parents, 85yo, married 65 years, were declining 1 1/2 year ago. My brother, only one of the 4 children living close to them, quit his job, and moved them in with him. Mom was insulin dependent.
They have both passed. The other sibs and I would like to get him a gift for doing this and wondered if anyone has any ideas. He likes the shooting range and used to fish in Florida gulf. I am in process of making a book for him of photos.

I appreciate any suggestions. And any thoughts on what NOT to get him are welcome.

esposla Nov 2018
Thank you for your replies. I like gift cards too, especially for the fishing. He will need to keep busy and I'm sure he'll be looking for a new job soon too. We had planned a get together earlier this year but didn't happen, so I hope we get to plan one for next year. The memorial service will be the next time we're together, probably next month. The 7 grandchildren may be joining us too.

JoAnn29 Nov 2018
My BIL is a big fisherman. I give him a gift certificate to Bass sporting goods every year. He gets his supplies thru them for making his own loures. Also, if there is a range he uses, gift certicate. I personally love them. I like the get away thing too.


lizzywho61 Nov 2018
I agree cash is king.

A getaway is good also. A couple nights lodging, a guided fishing trip, possibly offshore depending on how extravagant you wanted to get.

Depending on how much time has passed since your last parent has passed he may just need to rest before he is able to enjoy a getaway.

Anything showing your siblings appreciation I am sure would be greatly appreciated.

It is very thoughtful of you and your siblings to want to show your appreciation.

esposla Nov 2018
Thank you country mouse and snoopy love. Our parents left us cash and we can handle that. So that's our answer. And I like the letter idea, but, words are hard to express. I'll try to put my feelings on paper. And suggest my siblings do the same.

Countrymouse Nov 2018
"Money is the sincerest form of flattery" as Robert Heinlein remarked - I have to agree, SnoopyLove :)

But all cynicism aside, I also agree that what you're doing for your brother is a lovely and thoughtful thing, Esposla. So if money won't say it... What's next for your brother? Looking ahead, has he talked about any plans he's made or hopes he has for the future? Something that would encourage and help him in moving forward would show he has the support of all three of you.

SnoopyLove Nov 2018
That is so nice that you and the other siblings want to show your gratitude to your brother! I would imagine that a loving, heartfelt letter from each sibling thanking him for the sacrifices he made would be a wonderful thing to receive. And as for a gift, I have to say that in my experience, nothing beats cash.


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