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YnnepMs9 Asked November 2018

Spouse with dementia needs an eye exam, how can he be tested when he can't concentrate on the task at hand?

OldSailor Nov 2018
I made our optomitrist aware of DW's condition and he examined her for everything except prescription for glasses.

JoAnn29 Nov 2018
My nephew is now 28. He has worn glasses since he was six months old. I have worn glasses since I was 6. Asked the doctor how they could determine the strength of his glasses when he can't answer question during that part of the exam. He told me by the way the light refraxs off of the eye.


Isthisrealyreal Nov 2018
I just had my eyes tested at Costco and the machine was digital. Like 30 seconds and it was done.

I did not have the dialation done, didn't have time, but its supposed to show any issues.

Find out if the doctor has the latest technology, it is pretty amazing how quick it all happened. Best glasses I've ever had as well.

JoAnn29 Nov 2018
I think an eye exam as we age is very important. My Dr. has recommended every year since my husband and I have cateracts starting. There is glaucoma that needs to be watched for. If this isn't caught early, it can cause blindness. Its one of those silent things. It was found, with testing, that my Moms partial blindness was caused by her Dementia not a stroke.
YnnepMs9 Nov 2018
Thank you JoAnn. Had not thought about the dementia having an effect on his eye sight.
Countrymouse Nov 2018
Eye exam as in to test his eyesight, or eye exam as in performed by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmic surgeon to investigate a possible problem with the health of his eyes?

If it's the first, take his current lens prescription and any reading matter you know he can still cope with to the optician's appointment and let the experienced optician do his best.

If it's the second, leave it to the experienced hospital team to manage their patient, staying with him only to provide reassurance and encouragement. Remember, these people can make terrified toddlers keep still. They do cataract surgery on frail little old ladies. And if you're still worried, ask if they have any advice for you before the appointment.
YnnepMs9 Nov 2018
Thank you for good suggestion on bringing his glasses. I know how I feel when I can't see very well it makes even my thinking fuzzy; I just want to make sure blurred vision is not an issue for him.
gladimhere Nov 2018
Call to ask eye doctor if it is really necessary. I took my mom for a checkup when she was fairly deep into dementia. I was concerned as you are. Actually mom did fine I think because of the constant talk and requests of the doctor.
YnnepMs9 Nov 2018
He does do better for others than he does for me so maybe in a formal setting he will be able to answer the Drs. questions. I can't answer the question "Which is better 1 or 2?" so I am hoping there is another way to test. But yes I'll call first and inquire.
Tothill Nov 2018
Does he really need the eye exam? How poor are his eyes? What is he using them for, reading, watching tv etc? Can he get away with drug store readers? Will it improve his quality of life more than the exam would cause stress?
YnnepMs9 Nov 2018


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