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julschris7 Asked November 2018

What can I do to keep a druggie away from my grandfather?

I’m in PA and my grandfather has found himself a 37 yr old girlfriend that takes advantage of him. She’s on drugs and has 7 kids by other men. She keeps taking his money and went as far as to fake a pregnancy in order to take money from my grandfather. After many months the truth came out. He still won’t leave her and now wants to move her in his house. I’m afraid for him because she goes to his house with shady men and claims those are her brothers. Jewelry and other stuff has disappeared from his house but he refuses to call the police. Is there anything we can do to help him? He is of sound mind but refuses to see she is taking advantage of him. She has a boyfriend that lives with her and is telling my grandfather he is her brother. She wants to move him in too.

Clou1313 Dec 2018
Hi.... Well first, how far are you?

Personally, I would confront her
Straight up. Tell her you are in to her shananagins!!! face to face is best. Explain to her that you will call APS, IF SHE COMES AROUND . Or
Call APS explain situation. They will go to the 🏠 home. This stuff boils my blood..
Or if u want have someone else call if you don't want your d a d upset ....with you.

Countrymouse Nov 2018
How old is your grandfather?

How do you know all of this about the girlfriend? Have you or has anyone else in the family actually met her? How long has this abuse been going on?


mmcmahon12000 Nov 2018
Call adult protective services. And call your local police department. Ask them what can be done to protect your elderly grandfather. They'll tell you. Also, record her in the act of stealing and turn the evidence over to police. They'll arrest her and you can then step in to take guardianship over your grandfather. He might not be as sound of mind as you say.


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