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hoboking Asked November 2018

My 64 year old mother-in-law won't stop saying my mom has cameras watching and talking to her. Any advice?

She is saying there are cameras all around the house watching her every move, and speakers talking to her, she said only she can hear the speakers

She said the voices from the speakers are my sister and my mom, both of which are still living. I even tried shower her everything around the house and she states that the cameras are invisible. I tried asking what direction they come from and she said they were all over.

This all started happening after my husband left to California for 3 weeks for work traveling, and after my son made a joke about cameras to his sister. She denies she is wrong and she said she don't have evidence but she said she "knows its there".

Please help, thanks.

DeeAnna Nov 2018
Urinary Tract Infections in older people have been known to cause changes in a person's behavior and cognitive status (increase irritability, inability to think clearly, disorientation, delusions, etc.), and physical ability to walk, get dressed, eat properly, and so forth.  As BarbB has stated your MIL needs to be evaluated by a doctor ASAP as there are many possible causes for her actions and irrational thoughts.

Ahmijoy Nov 2018
If Mom hasn’t been evaluated for dementia, she needs to be. If she is diagnosed with it, I can tell you that paranoid delusions were the norm for my mom. It was one of the symptoms that she presented with that caused me to have her tested. She went to a nursing home where she thought cameras were everywhere, watching her. Camera were even in the light fixtures in her room. “They” had moved the whole facility to Russia—the entire building and all the residents too—overnight. On and on. She was on medications but they didn’t help much.

Your MIL is pretty young, but with dementia, anything is possible. Make sure no one argues with her. It does no good and you won’t convince her of anything.


hoboking Nov 2018
Thanks, Ill look into this.

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2018
Hoboking; Have you gotten your mother seen by an MD?

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2018
She needs to be seen asap by a MD. This could be a paranoid delusion from an infection, a brain tumor or early onset dememtia. Or something else.

In any event, she needs to be evaluated right away if this is a sudden change in mental status.

cwillie Nov 2018
This is a paranoid delusion and it needs to be brought to the attention of her doctor asap.


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