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Debra5050 Asked December 2018

Discrimination for mental illness; I've been victimized and laughed at by Bank employees. Can I sue the bank?

Thank you, Debra

JoAnn29 Dec 2018
I see you are from NJ, so am I. I have a disabled Nephew I oversee so maybe I can help.

What kind of resources are you looking for? I will assume that you are on Social Security Disability? Medicare as ur primary and Medicaid as your secondary?

Even though its called Office of the Aging, as a disabled person, you can use their services. Call them and ask if they have a booklet of services they have and can they mail it to you. Here where I live, they have a bus to take people shopping and to the doctors. There also should be a County Disabilities office. If you can tell me what you are looking for, I may be able to help.

Curious, what actually happened at the bank?


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