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Kainui0 Asked January 2019

I just found out my grandma has been taken out of my brother's care and the state of Hawaii has custody. How do I find her?

And get her. She lived in Hilo, HI.

JoAnn29 Jan 2019
I would contact the local Adult Protection Services. For Grandma to be taken out of a families care, someone had to have complained and APS investigated and found Grandma was in an abusive environment. Try her Doctor, they may have requested the investigation.

I would not get your hopes up that you can "get her". The state is now involved and probably has been made her guardian. You will have to show that you can give her the care she needs. Believe me,
Grandma's situation had to have been bad for the state to step in.

Just letting them know that there is family will be a first step. Keep your kool. Its hard when its someone close like a Grandma.

Midkid58 Jan 2019
Assuming you do not currently LIVE in Hawaii yourself--you should do as much as you can from where you are and then, very possibly, take a trip to Hawaii and be 'boots on the ground' and find out what's going on.

You'd need to do this if you are thinking about bringing to the mainland to live--that's pretty daunting. And it's not like you can uproot her and then 6 months later send her back---we're talking on this forum about taking our aged parents for a drive or a short plane ride and it's like moving a mountain to achieve the move.

Won't brother talk to you? (No judgment, I have one who won't talk to me) need a jumping off point.

You may likely just have to go there and see for yourself what is going on.

Best luck in this.


freqflyer Jan 2019
Kainui0, just curious who told you that your Grandmother is no longer in your brother's care and is now using State care?

I see from your profile that your Grandmother has Alzheimer's/dementia and there does come a time where it can take a village [Nursing Home] to handle all of her needs. Chances are your Grandmother is now being cared for through Medicaid [which is different than Medicare] to which Medicaid pays for her room/board and care.

You mentioned you want to get her. When was the last time you were in her care on a regular basis? If it has been awhile, you may be surprised how much she had progressed with her Alzheimer's/Dementia. You would need to hire caregivers to help you, and to set up your home like a nursing home. It won't be easy. And Medicaid will not pay for around the clock care, like they do in a Nursing Home.
JoAnn29 Jan 2019
If the state has guardianship it maybe hard for her to "get her"
Grandma1954 Jan 2019
Have you asked your brother what happened and where she is?
If you have not talked to him it might be more difficult.
First call I would make is to the Police where she lived. They should have a report of what happened. If not they would know where to start.
Another place to start might be the local hospital. I would guess anyone taken from someone's care would be evaluated at a local hospital. this evaluation would help determine if harm was caused by the person that was taking care of the injured.
They may not be able to give you a lot of information over the phone due to HIPAA [health insurance portability and accountability act] laws. (they may be able to tell you she is a patient but not much else.)


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