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beth8310 Asked January 2019

Question about memory decline, assisted living options and care in Rochester, MN.

My mother is 80 this year. She was hospitalized in December then went to rehab. She had a mild heart attack there and landed back in hospital with pneumonia.

She is back in rehab now for this week starting and her memory, short-term, has been declining for six months at least. She says 'I don't know' to lots of questions we ask her (basic ones) and doesn't use our names when we talk to her. She has 7 kids total, 5 of my half-siblings, one full brother (who is helping her in Rochester).

Her MOCA test came back today 20/30. They will retest her next week. She also has COPD, ejection rate in heart is down from 72% to 45% of function after heart attack. She is winded easily, gets tired, is having memory issues...

The question is should we be looking at straight memory care or start assisted with transitional option to memory care? That is looking like her option and we have to apply for her Medicaid in MN. Anyone know how long that takes to do? She will have to spend down and put money into her burial fund if she is willing so we have money to bury her when that time comes.

Also, POA is not signed yet. Trying to get brother on the ball and he is not doing what he should to help.

Any suggestions, thoughts, or ideas are welcome. Private messages okay, too.

beth8310 Jan 2019
I did speak to the current place. I'm looking at what is happening and keeping an eye on things with the therapy team. They will retest her MOCA test then follow up as needed but I was told to look for continuing care facilities also. I'm going to talk to social worker there about getting Medicaid. I don't have access to her funds until I get POA but my brother who is local keeps dragging his feet and not getting it signed as we both were going to sign it. So that's complicated this.

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2019
Also, have you consulted with an eldercare attorney, one who is knowledgeable about Medicaid in MN?

Look at places that are "Continuing Care Communities", ie, they have Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care and NH all on one campus. Much easier than looking for a different place each time mom's level changes.


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2019
Have you talked to the discharge folks at the rehab about what level of care they feel she needs going forward?

I think it's really best to get expert advice about this stuff; it's very hard to "assess" one's own parent.
againx100 Jan 2019
Agree to let the experts give you advice on this. Given her condition and test results, they should have a pretty good feel for where she would be better off.


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