My 92 YO mother with vascular dementia has a history of asthma, a recent diagnosis of COPD, anxiety, depression, and aortic stenosis. She is refusing to use oxygen at night as recently prescribed by pulmonary doc. Says the machine is too noisy. My dad, who lives with her in AL says the machine also keeps him awake.
Research reveals that low blood oxygen negatively affects all organs including the brain and heart, contributes to sleepiness, lack of energy, dizziness and cognitive decline, anxiety and depression.
I am not sure it is worth the fight to try to get her to use the oxygen, however, she fears having to go to a nursing home and I am concerned that as her COPD progresses, that will be her fate. Perhaps the oxygen will stave that off for a while.
Anyone have experience with this?
5 Answers
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Best of luck!
For your Mum, not using the O2 at night will shorten her life.
When I explained the implications to my dad, he got her to agree to use it. Time will tell.
Try putting the concentrator outside the room. My moms concentrator is down the hall from her room. I don’t think a silent concentrator exists but you may be able to get her one that isn’t quite as loud. Maybe a white noise machine would also help?
Anyone know what quieter units might be?