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Kannie Asked February 2019

Anyone have experience with Tramadol?

My mom is 77 years old. She suffers from radiation induced dementia (whole brain radiation) and severe neurogenic pain. It was recommended for me to get hospice involved for pain management because nothing was working. The low dose of Tramadol worked for a bit and now they have increased to the max dose and she gets it two times a day. While her pain is controlled other symptoms are worse. Dementia, confusion, weight loss from not eating, increased tone in hands, etc...

looking up this drug I found it is highly addictive with awful side effects. I’m contacting the doctor Monday but curious if anyone else has experienced this?

I want her free of pain but at what cost? She isn’t in any death stages. If she were I would obviously choose comfort. Again, I’m contacting the doc with my concerns but wanted others experience.

Sendhelp Feb 2019
So sorry for your loss.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Isthisrealyreal Feb 2019
I am sorry for your loss. May God grant you grieving mercies.


Kannie Feb 2019
Mom died today. It wasn’t the meds. Wanted to update for others down the road. Thanks for all your comments.
dlpandjep Feb 2019
God love you.  I am so sorry for your loss.  I pray your family and friends will comfort and strengthen you in the days ahead.  Many hugs.
JoAnn29 Feb 2019
My Mom suffered Hallucinations from it. I was told the elderly should not take it. Had a 50+ friend take it and suffered hallucination from one dose. Never took it again.

mollymoose Feb 2019
My mom was on tramadol, also taking a high dose. She had issues with nerves in her leg due to her spine being a mess. I’m thinking it stopped working as well? Anyway, the Dr. switched her to Lyrica, and it helped much better with the pain. However, it’s not a cheap drug & does cause it’s own Issues.

anonymous840695 Feb 2019
I have taken tramadol with basically no side effects, although I am only 62. I do have diabetes though, and so I metabolize similarly to a much older person. I took it because I cannot take aspirin and ibuprofen. It helped a little, with some pain. Actually, Tylenol and Naproxen work much better. I stopped taking it when my insurance decided they would no longer pay for it because I have also been prescribed clonazepam. It was not addictive for me at all, and in the long run, not taking it has mad little or no difference. I certainly don't claim to be able to speak for everyone, but that has been my experience.


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