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KayVee Asked February 2019

Need some directions for in-home care.

My mom is 86 and she is a diabetic with early stage Parkinson's disease. She has heart and kidney problems and just underwent pacemaker surgery. She lives with my dad (86) and we need some help during the day - from 9 to 5. Help with sitting, getting up and walking. They live in California (Campbell) and are on Medicare. She can eat on her own. Appreciate any help.

KayVee Feb 2019
@Worriedincali and @freqflyer...thank you for your input.

worriedinCali Feb 2019
California’s in-home caregiving programs are income based-you have to be low income to qualify or on SSI. Original Medicare does pay for limited home health but only after a hospital stay and it’s very very short term. Like a maximum of 21 days if I recall correctly. If she has part B or a supplemental, there may be coverage for a caregiver. If your mom isn’t eligible for Medi-cal or on SSI, then another option would be the VA if she or your dad is a veteran. She may or may not be eligible for aid & attendance which can be used to help pay for a caregiver. Otherwise she’ll have to private pay & it would probably be easiest to go through an agency.

I would start by contacting the Council on Aging Silicon Valley. They will have all the resources you need to get started. They will know what programs are available in Santa Clara county. Good luck!


freqflyer Feb 2019
KayVee, one can contact a professional caregiving Agency to see what are their hourly rates and what is included in the work schedule. In my area, such Agencies charge $30/hour. Medicare will not pay for caregiving.

Another option is to see if your Mom can be accepted through Medicaid [which is different from Medicare]. Depending on your State programs, the State may offer an Aide to visit the house for a few hours a week.

It is my understanding that California has some excellent programs for home care. Hopefully a caregiver here on the forum will see your post and give you more information.


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