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Beekee Asked March 2019

Has anyone seen any DVDs that explain elder law topics such as Medicaid pre-planning, asset transfer, irrevocable trusts, etc?

My mother is 81, has mild early dementia, has trouble learning new info, but still easily demonstrates enough capacity to sign legal documents. I feel a set of DVDs would really help explain some basic concepts.

Isthisrealyreal Mar 2019
We are always getting invited to seminars for these very topics, perhaps the companies that offer seminars would have some information. Check Dave Ramsey website, he endorses financial planners that do this type of work.

You may need an elder law attorney for Medicaid information or even your states Medicaid website will have information.

Can you let us know how you find what you need, we learn from each other.

Segoline Mar 2019
You, not your mom, need to look at the teepa snow. Naomi fell videos. On YouTube.

Come back when you have.


Beekee Mar 2019
I guess I was hoping for recommendations for simple videos a person with mild cognitive impairment can understand.

gladimhere Mar 2019
Look online for elder law attorneys in your state. Some firms here have quite extensive topics that are published n their website.


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