After serveral hospital and 2 short nursing home visits, I finally agreed to sign DNR and hospice care for my mom. Of course Medicare will only cover a short period of time and Medicaid would need to cover more.
I called the local Social Services office and was mailed a pile or required paperwork to be completed or information gathered. I myself am on Disability due to TBIs and mom is now incoherent and not speaking, thus unable to help, and am at a loss where some of the information could even begin to be gathered. The help offered from Social Services was if you have any questions please call Mr/Ms @ XXX-ZZZZ. I know mom will not be put out in the street by the nursing home, but sure make life miserable. Guidance on the Medicaid path would be appreciated.
3 Answers
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I had POA so I was able to go to the bank and get a printout of alk Moms dealings with them. Checking, savings, IRAs and CDs. She had 2 very small policies with cash in value. I casjhed them in and prepaid her funeral.
Have you talked to the SW at the home? She or the financial department should be able to help.
To begin, you will need bank records and real estate transactions going back 5 years. Her SS benefit, and pension/annuity she receives. Any insurance policy that has a cash value. In NY there is very good instruction on line.
The Medicaid caseworkers that I have dealt with were very helpful, and I would encourage you to make an appointment to talk to them in person, not over the phone. Bring in all the forms they sent and any info you can scrounge up. They will help you.
There was a very helpful post I read the other day on a question about how to find financial info on a parent who said they were going broke. I will see if I can find it and post a link.
Another other option is calling your county's crisis services line and asking if there is an elder law or elder issues center where you can get help doing this. There may be a chipper paralegal, or early career social worker, doing volunteer hours for their degree program who can help you.