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Bosscat8899 Asked March 2019

How long does it take to grieve the loss of your mother?

Sanibel01 Mar 2019
As others have said there is no timetable. My personal experience having lost my mom 19 years ago is that the grief ebbs and flows. It is not always acute but it is always present. The month of March is tough for me as that is when she died.

Community Hospice offers a Daughter's Group that meets for (I think) six weeks. It is free and available whether or not your family used Hospice. This helped me a lot after my mother passed. Going through my photo albums and seeing the pictures of the good and happy times is comforting too.

Bosscat, please accept my sincere condolences and continue to reach out to this site. We all care.

Ahmijoy Mar 2019
There is no set time limit for grieving a loved one. I believe that experiencing some form of grief when a LO passes is lifelong. That doesn’t mean that we begin and end each day of the rest of our lives weeping and wailing, though. My mom has been gone 2 1/2 years and yesterday, I saw an adult coloring sheet on Pinterest of a Cardinal, which she loved. It really made me miss her.

When we are unable to carry on with our lives after a reasonable period of time, which also varies from person to person, it’s time to get help. My mother’s funeral home offered grief counseling and I got invitations to groups for over a year. If you are in the grieving process and you feel you need help, contact your doctor, your church or as I said, the funeral home. There are people who can help if you reach out.


gladimhere Mar 2019
Bosscat have you recently lost your mother? Or just anticipating it? Google anticipatory grief. Grief is on your own time table, no set rules.

I grieved for my mom daily while she was living with Alzheimer's disease. It was a long slow death. When she passed in 2017, twelve years after diagnosis, if was a relief, she was finally released from her disease. I think of her daily, but I would never call it grief.


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