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pelkan Asked March 2019

Frustrated with my husband's attitude. Any advice?

Temper tantrums when he cannot do things or understand. 

97yroldmom Mar 2019
Look at Teepa Snow videos on YouTube for examples of how to redirect his attention. You may find them helpful. Many do.
Although it will not be possible in many circumstances, try to avoid stressful situations that trigger these tantrums. Perhaps a journal would be helpful so that you can review from time to time and see what repeats and even notice when that behavior has moved on and now there is something new.
Come here and share when you can. It will help.

Ahmijoy Mar 2019
it’s a study in patience and understanding. He is not angry with you. My husband was a business owner, very proud and capable. He has declined for more than a decade and is now bedridden. I do all for him but feed him. A stroke in 2003 left him with aphasia and now he has some hearing loss as well.

When he is in a particularly foul and/or depressed mood, I do what I have to for him, do it kindly and respectfully and then leave him alone. My own attitude can make or break the task. If I am impatient and/ or accusatory, the encounter doesn’t go well. I have to remember that he has limitations. He becomes depressed and frustrated, as do I. This life is not his choice.


JoAnn29 Mar 2019
I see by your profile he has ALZ/Dementia. I know you realize this is frustrating for him too. He realizes he can't do or he can't realize why he can't do so frustrating. Ask his dr. if there is something he can be given when this happens. I would say patience but I am not good at that so not going to say it.

Ljanoe Mar 2019
Can you provide more information on the situation?


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