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anonymous839718 Asked March 2019

My MIL wears Silouette brand pull ups - size S. Leg openings are too large causing them to rub. Any suggestions?

Jenifer3576 Mar 2019
We put Dad in kids PullUps. You find them in the diaper section. They are made for children who wet the bed at night. Clare was smaller than the smallest adult size

OldSailor Mar 2019
I seem to remember a service that sells protective underwear and would send a sample pack. Saw it on TV a while back. Might be worth looking into. Sorry I can't remember the name.


cwillie Mar 2019
Try another brand, I liked always discreet although we mostly just bought whatever was on sale. With some the cause of chafing was the elastic leak guards - they're there for a reason but if necessary you can snip them with a scissors.

(I assume an extra long extra absorbent pad isn't enough?)

needtowashhair Mar 2019
Switch to extra small. American size small is still pretty huge. On my mom they are way too big. So I found that CVS sells XS. Fits much better. I think they were the only store I found that sold XS. They are better quality too. Because of the pretty constant 40% off coupons if you are rewards member, I switch my dad over to their house brand as well. My dad likes them better than all the other brands we've tried. He specifically asked me to buy them again after the first time.

Isthisrealyreal Mar 2019
I found members mark brand didn't have any plastics feel around the openings, maybe try a different brand.

If you have a sewing machine you could run a short stitch to tighten the leg holes but that would be time consuming.


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