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Cindyn12345 Asked March 2019

How much is reasonable rate per hr to give mom lunch, take her to bathroom and read to her? I pay 10 dollars an hour for 2 hours a day.

Mom is 91 has mild dementia.

MAYDAY Mar 2019
Insurance = Workmans compensation.

Some people are sue happy

Some people are drop dead honest.

Some people like to shop around...grandmas house.

Keep mom close and do stop and see her often.

MAYDAY Mar 2019
Hopefully you have homeowners insurance to cover their issues should they decide they want to get more out of this job..
The adult day care showed me the way to this board n care. One resident was there due to the fact her caregiver claimed damages, and homeowners insurance was taken for a ride. Resident had to sell home and move....
Check homeowners insurance and see if you are covered...This is why some caregiving companies charge so much,,, insurance.
JoAnn29 Mar 2019
OMG what a horror story. It looks like these private pay care workers are very smart when it comes to milking a client.


anonymous272157 Mar 2019
Agency is $25 to $30/hr., but they keep track of caregiver's taxes, pay their taxes, have workman's comp., and send a substitute if caregiver can't make it. Caregiver gets $13 to $15 of that.

worriedinCali Mar 2019
Its not reasonable for what you want if it’s less than minimum wage or even minimum wage. get what you pay for. You are trusting this person to care for your mother.

needtowashhair Mar 2019
For where I live, that's cheap. A neighbor as a babysitter for a child would be more than that. Around here agencies are $35-$40/hour with a 3 hour minimum. If you can find someone independent, it's $20-$25 an hour. It's hard to find someone that cheap. I would jump at $10 an hour.

rocketjcat Mar 2019
Sounds like a deal. I pay agency $25/hr for a girl to feed mom a prepared lunch, keep her company, and lay her down for a nap at her N.H. 3 hour minimum. She probably gets half of that.
Isthisrealyreal Mar 2019
If she's lucky.

Probably minimum wage.
cwillie Mar 2019
I guess it depends on where you live and/or what the going rates are in your area, minimum wage in my province is $14/hr.
JoAnn29 Mar 2019
$14 Canadian or US? Today the US dollar is .74 vs Canada $1 so you are paying a little over $10 US money.
JoAnn29 Mar 2019
Thats reasonable for what you want.


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