I've been on here many times for advice, and greatly appreciate everyone's insights. My 92 year old mother, who chooses to live in her apartment, expects me to be at her beck and call. I keep firm boundaries of taking her out twice a week and to doctor appointments, but she comes up with medical issues where she wants to see a doctor the very week I tell her that I have something important going on or when we have company. I am at my wits end, just having been there this morning to take her food shopping, and now called back to take her to the doctor for an "emergency" appointment SHE made for another issue. I have asked her repeatedly to call me first, then I will make the appointment. I am taking her, but afterwards telling her that unless she call me first, I will not be taking her to the doctor or other appointments. So many times these are nothing other than her wanting sympathy and attention. I waiver between worrying it actually being something and saying enough is enough. Any suggestions?
32 Answers
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You are a grown woman, blessed with grandchildren. You have a life. Take Mom’s demands to the extreme and offer to call transport for her, be it Uber, Lyft, community transport, or, like in our town, we have a gentleman who will take people to medical appointments. Found him on Facebook. If she says it’s an emergency, offer to call 911. At my mom’s senior apartment, the community transport stopped right at the door. When I was very busy with my own grandsons or hubby, she either took that transport or went without. If you have something going on, four words, “Sorry, Mom, I cant.” Do not say “I’ll be right there.” If she persists, kindly suggest moving to Assisted Living where she will have constant attention. Like my mom was, your mom may be jealous of you and your life. This is not a curable condition, just one to be dealt with.
It may not be wise to tell her much about what you have going on. Mother, who was narcissistic, would pull an emergency when I went on holiday or had a special event. She had to be the center of attention and come first all the time. So I didn't tell her.
I feel your pain!
She sets up for me to take her places and then gets my YB with whom she lives to take her, so I show up, she's not home, doesn't know how to answer her phone and I trot home wondering what happened. If I confront her with this, she acts coy and small--" oh, you're just so busy all the time"--I decided to ask R.
MOTHER. I PLANNED to take you. I planned my whole stupid DAY around this. I think she just enjoys looking "popular" if that makes sense.
We had a family event on Sunday. The entire family was there--and she wanted me or DH to run get her, run her to the event (45 minutes away) and then bring her right home b/c she doesn't like sitting on hard chairs. So, DH or I would have spent literally NO TIME with our kids and g-kids. She saw no problem with that.
Mostly I have found that I just don't tell her anything. She only cares about what came in the mail, what somebody said about her cute shirt at Bingo and how much everyone adores her. It gets old.
She'll do this to YB too. She needs him, he is in the garage or up in his office and she will simply sit in her apartment 100 feet away and wishes he'd come down. I asked her why she didn't CALL him. (The one number she can remember)...hemming and hawing,,,no answer, just wants to be his first priority or something, I do not know.
We have to set the boundaries. If I let her, she'd eat me alive.
Don’t think there is a comfy chair for them, do you? My mom is never completely comfortable. I get it. She’s 93. I really don’t want to get like that. You know, voice so many complaints to my kids.
I have started practicing now. I hardly ever complain to my kids. I do not want to make them miserable over petty BS or something they have no control over. I can’t change the chairs in waiting rooms!
It seems to be wildly popular though. I see it with my parents, their friends and my friends' parents. The only thing thing that I know is have her reschedule or just leave all the scheduling up to you. Yes, that's more work, but, what's the alternative? There are some senior transport options in my community that operates for very modest fees. The problem is how long the rider may have to stay out for the day, due to the number places the mini bus takes people. You have to take your lunch, since you could have to wait most of the day to get back home. Of course, some seniors might like that, because there are lots of people to chat with. Or, you could hire private drivers.
I'd consider that she may be forgetting what you tell her. Of course, she wouldn't admit that.
1. Patient transport for free which takes a bit longer.
2. Taxi £20 return which he can EASILY afford.
3. Me taking day off and losing £100s (Im self employed consultant).
Guess what Dad thought was the option he should have?
I'm trying to create boundaries, too, but it is difficult because she doesn't remember what we've said or done, and instead criticizes and guilts us.
Sorry, other than sticking to boundaries, I do not have any good solutions, but feel your pain.
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