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Sackojk Asked April 2019

How to apply for Medicaid?

JoAnn29 May 2019
Go directly to Medicaid. I would not trust a SW or a nursing home to do my application. Neither of them could know all the ins and outs of Medicaid. Everyones situation is different. The assets they have. If they own a home or not. Community spouse. A family member who lives in the house. Its not cut and dry.

Caregiverhelp11 May 2019
If this is for an elderly person going into a nursing home, they will be able to help you with a Medicaid application.


BarbBrooklyn Apr 2019
Call your local Area Agency on Aging and ask to speak to a social worker about what the options are for funding your husband's care.

Is a VA home a possibility?


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