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IFeelingsad Asked May 2019

I'm getting different answers from doctors. Can anyone give me any advice?

Some like the emergency room doctors are saying my mother has munchausen by proxy ...( Hope I spelled that right). Some say she just seems disassociative and not wanting to deal w reality .....I thought the munchausen was something that happen to like a child not ur adult daughter.....I feel dumb asking this but can someone please give me any advice ....thank you

Countrymouse May 2019
If what you mean is that you experience a lot of symptoms caused by the stress of looking after your mother, and the worse you feel the more she demands of you and interferes with you, then it sounds as though somebody was using the term "Munchhausen's by proxy" as a way of describing how your mother seems to thrive on the drama. Which would be an inaccurate use of the term, but perhaps they're trying to make you understand how important it is that you separate your needs from those of your mother, and get help to do this.

Would that make sense to you?

Countrymouse May 2019
When you attend the ER with your mother, who is recorded as the patient? - your mother or you?
JoAnn29 May 2019
Sent u a private mess.


cwillie May 2019
She has been making you sick - you mean she is actively poisoning you with a noxious substance? I hope she is being treated in a locked facility.

SparkyY May 2019
Are they maybe meaning she's a hypochondriac? Munchousin (sp?) Use to refer to someone making themselves sick for attention but usually used to describe a parent who purposely gets their child sick for attention munchousin by proxy.

JoAnn29 May 2019
I would not take what emergency Drs say. I would take Mom to a psychiatrist for a diagnosis.

Lymie61 May 2019
I think as cwillie explained so well you are mixing up or combining the two possible aspects of Munchhausen but I'm a little confused because you said it was your mom being diagnosed and then your adult daughter....either way I hope the patient is under psych evaluation and being treated by a psychiatrist and they would be the ones to get clarification from about the diagnosis and what they are thinking. It's likely they don't have a definitive diagnosis yet too and are sharing their suspicions but I would sit down with them and ask questions until you have an understanding of what is going on.

Ahmijoy May 2019
What do the doctors say about her treatment? Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with them, I know. They understand what they’re saying and forget you don’t. Nurses are good ones to ask, too. They have more patience and will take more time to make sure you understand. Has she been evaluated for Alzheimer’s disease?

cwillie May 2019
Munchausen syndrome is an obsolete term used to describe when people cause themselves to be ill in order to get attention (munchausen by proxy is when they cause someone else to be ill, usually a dependent child, in order to receive the attention). Are they offering her psychiatric treatment?
IFeelingsad May 2019
They have advised me. I mean by the home health company that is fixing to quit now ...I have put in cameras ...she has it's like no empathy n no respect for anyone n my mother was always very caring...she is making me sick n idk why ...that's why I am an adult is what I meant n been taking care of her when she got sick...but she has been very much more than cruel since especially when my older sister doesn't have nothing to do with her n she's pushed her friends away. Idk what to do. Thank Yu for ur help
vegaslady May 2019
Google it for a better understanding of the terms.


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