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partsmom Asked May 2019

What can be done to report or prevent phone scams that claim that "your social security number has been frozen because of possible fraud."

Yesterday I got 8 (yes, eight!) calls with this message; the first one or two I just interrupted them to say "You are lying!" and hung up, the rest of them I just l lay the phone down and ignored it until it hung up. The phone numbers that came up on caller ID were 888-815-126x through -129x. These are not only a pain in the phone, but they buried some calls I would have like to have found earlier! Anybody know where or how to stop these scammers?

RitaDenise May 2019
My girlfriend visited her town police station about these calls and was told they can't do anything. She was very unhappy!

JoAnn29 May 2019
It was just on TV that they have found a way of blocking robot calls so you won't even get them. Actually they are illegal because u can't tell them not to call anymore. Nothing they can do about live calls.

You can set up a cell phone so u don't get calls you don't want. My LG was set up that only those people on my contacts list would ring thru. Butbthey went to VM. I just couldn't block anyone. On my Samsung I can block and on Do not Disturb I can allow my contacts list to ring thru and texts. So far no VMs.
worriedinCali May 2019
actually what the news says is that the FCC wants to make it legal for phone companies to block robocalls. They want them to do it automatically. They didn’t just find a way to block them.....


partsmom May 2019
Part of the problem is that this is my cell phone that I also use at work to back up our business lines, so I always answer it. Maybe they are giving up; there was only one today. One thing that worries me is that I know it's a scam, but there are probably people out there that will fall for it, to their detriment. I do thank for the reference to the ftc consumer website and I will notify them.

anonymous567821 May 2019
I let my land line and cell phone go to answering machine
I purchased a Grandpad for my Daddy and have told every family and friend member that the landline will not be answered anymore. If they want me they must be on my cell and if I recognize the number I will answer it. As far as the Grandpad only approved people set up by the administrator can call the Grandpad... I wish cell phone and landline operated as the Grandpad.
Best invention EVER!!!!
NeedHelpWithMom May 2019
That’s helpful. Great answer.
NeedHelpWithMom May 2019
So annoying when this crap happens with robo calling. I wish I had the answer!

Just as annoying are the robo text that can’t be blocked.

Some phone calls can’t be blocked either. My husband read an article saying as soon as you pick up they know that they have a live number so do not answer calls.


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