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Zdarov Asked May 2019

Please remind me, is A Place for Mom a trusted resource?

My father and his wife live a few states away, and I’d like to get them looking at AL/NHs. When I did a search, A Place for Mom list came up with their toll-free number. They’re old. :) Is this a safe service to turn them on to, where they won’t get railroaded somehow? They’re in northwestern NJ. Thanks.

NeedHelpWithMom May 2019
Need to wash hair, absolutely!
Same thing with blogs, podcasts, etc. Any social media platforms really are interesting ways to communicate.

My word, if our ancestors could comeback and see how things are done today they would be amazed! Their day, advertising was in the newspaper. Remember radio was huge, then television, oh my goodness, theater to silent movies, then all of these special effects. Hey, give me Hitchcock suspense any day! Progress huh? Some good, some disturbing and all of it fascinating. I like to listen to the people who follow trends sometimes.

Trends come and go. Things are cyclical as well. Look at baby names! Oh my gosh!

needtowashhair May 2019
LOL. I guess you don't realize that this website is run by A Place for Mom. Agingcare is A Place for Mom website. So you are asking A Place for Mom if A Place for Mom is trusted.

"Your use of this web site (“Site” or “Sites”), which is owned and/or operated by A Place for Mom (“We,” “Us,” or “Our”)."
NeedHelpWithMom May 2019
Didn’t know who ran the website. Good for them to sponsor this forum! Makes sense. But you know what I am referring to. It is a business that is looking to make sales like any other business. They certainly are not wrong in doing that. Just a nuisance to get phone calls or tons of emails continually.


NeedHelpWithMom May 2019
It’s a business. They get a cut. These places hound you afterwards with follow up calls.

I’d rather check facts. Do my own research and get references from people who have been at the facility, tour places on my own. Ask people who have loved ones there for their opinion if possible.

Reminds me of when you fill out a form to get a prize. Yeah right, it’s just a way to get your address and phone number for future solicitation.

Shane1124 May 2019
In my experience “A Place for Mom” is a great resource if the Senior has plenty of funds to spend on LTC. They do not assist with Medicaid patient placement.
If you don’t have the $ to spend, skip calling “A Place for Mon”, because once you do and give them your location they will assist in making referrals for LTC/AL. But not for indigent patients.

Once I told them my mother had a rent voucher from the State they could not provide any assistance with placement as they do not offer those services.

But then on the flip side if your mom is fortunate to have assets to pay for LTC/AL then you will welcome A Place for Mom’s services.

Isthisrealyreal May 2019
If they sent you a list and you use any place on that list, they will be the referring agency.

Remember to ask for a discount or the best price available. Sometimes you can get a nice discount for the first 12 months.

Isthisrealyreal May 2019
I would not recommend them. They only care about their commission and don't care if your loved one can afford the facility or not. Then you get to deal with dozens of phone calls because they send out your contact information to a multitude of facilities to ensure they get the credit for referring you.

It is a joke that has no humor in the least.

JoAnn29 May 2019
I like the manager thing. Then u can help with the final decisions. I live in SW Jersey. Where they are should have a lot of choices. If they can still do for themselves with a little help, I would consider an AL. You may want to consider something in PA.
Zdarov May 2019
Thanks, joann! I’m mostly out of this picture, only talk to them occasionally. They've been happily shut in together all my life... but now that he’s 92 and she’s early 80s it’s not so much fun anymore. :) I send them emails, and just sent info on various senior services/ resources. When I show the wife about something 3-5 miles away she won’t know where I’m talking about. Soooo.. she said she’s not sure there are any good ALs around them, and of course there are.
gladimhere May 2019
Instead search for a Geriatric Care Manager. Since you are not close, a GCM would also check in on them on a schedule you can determine. Also if there is any sort of emergency and a visit is necessary a GCM would be able to get there much quicker.
Zdarov May 2019
Thanks, this is a great reminder too, I’ll name that line of provider to them. I’m not involved in their lives, just trying to get the wife to stick her neck out a bit and connect with services. They’ve only used whatever is provided right after dad is discharged from hospital stays. He's 92 and the wife is in her 80s somewhere, and they’re still denying reality a little. They got yard workers 2-3 years ago and that’s about it.
cwillie May 2019
Some people find them helpful, just remember they are a business paid a commission to sell. People have complained that they are too aggressive, and of course they are only giving advice about the facilities that have contracted their service, places that have excellent reputations and wait lists don't need to hire them.
Zdarov May 2019
Awesome perspective, thanks. Now you remind me, I used something like that here in VA re: my mom, and yes it was a bit of an attack from the referred places. Think I’ll give it a miss. But their list did show me how many are within 15 miles of pop and his wife, and they didn’t think there were. So it’s a good start.


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