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dunn3350 Asked May 2019

What to use when pull ups leak down legs?

Since my mother broke her pelvis she is incontinent. When she stands up to go to the bathroom all the urine comes out her depends around the leg area and gets her pants, socks and shoes wet.
I have to buy x-large to pull up around loose skin around belly since 100 lbs weight loss. I have tried placing pads inside pull ups and they still leak. Anybody ever have this problem and what do you use?

bicycler May 2019
Pads actually can help if their outer waterproof membranes are perforated prior to use -- I just quickly sliced them with scissors or a knife. Frequent scheduling for my dad helped a little, but didn't resolve his unpredictable and yet almost constant flow, as he had almost no control. Customizing the fit of tabbed underwear was what helped the most to compensate for the disappearance of his upper thigh muscles.
cwillie May 2019
True, pads can work as boosters if the backing is perforated, but nobody ever includes that little detail when recommending their use.
cwillie May 2019
First off, adding a pad will not help because the leak proof backing will cause extra urine to overflow around the edges of the pad, in fact it may actually make the problem worse.

Since she has lost a lot of weight she may now need a smaller size, which will fit more snugly around the legs. Are you using maximum absorbency Depends? Have you tried other brands - Tena is readily available in most drug stores and in my opinion is a step above Depends, and beyond that there are many higher end brands available.

The sudden release of a large volume of liquid is a challenge for even the best products available because they can only absorb so fast, a simple remedy would be to get her to the toilet at scheduled intervals so that she isn't having such a large amount at once. Using the facilities before/after meals and midway through the morning, afternoon and evening is what is encouraged in nursing homes.


bicycler May 2019
dunn3350 , as my dad lost weight and his legs became skinnier, we had the same problem. Feminine pad inserts helped for awhile, but the last solution was to change from pull-ups to the type with the sticky tabs so that they could be custom tightened to fit his changing body. There are two types of sticky pads -- one is adhesive and the other is a kind of restickable velcro, which were much easier for the CNAs and me to use. Good luck and best wishes.
faeriefiles May 2019
I agree about using the ones with tabs. They are easier to adjust to fit around that extra skin bulge left by weight loss. You can pull them up higher in the back and angle the tabs downward to kind of wrap to fit snug.


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