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anonymous913508 Asked May 2019

Need help. Can anyone tell me what happen to her?

Hey guys. My friend fell down few days ago and she is not opening her eyes from 3 days. Can anyone tell me what happen to her? I am so worry please. Doctor said we can't say anything right now.anybody know about it and I can't be with her because she live too far away from me.

JoAnn29 May 2019
Is the age wrong? Is this person 19?

Even though ur friend is awake doesn't mean the crisis is over. If they gave her medicine to sleep its because they didn't want her moving about. Did she have a tube down her throat? If so, this is why they wanted her to sleep. If she is in the hospital more than 3 days, they may recommend rehab.

You need to understand that the family does not need to tell you everything. Actually, if this person is 19 with no POA, even family is not privy to everything. Out of courtesy, they may tell a mother and father but no one else.

Lymie61 May 2019
Murr12, I would suggest the family get a notebook that stays at the hospital with your friend and whenever they have questions jot them down so the next time a doctor comes in they remember to ask and then write down the answers as well as everything the doctor tells them. I would ask nurses that come in too, they often have great info about what something they are doing is for and sometimes can explain it in a better way as well. One of the problems with these high stress emergent, acute times is that so many things are going on, so many rapid changes and there is just so much info most of us have no understanding of or form of reference to but if you organize your thoughts have at least one family member or close friend present for each doctor visit and as many nurse visits as possible interacting but not too annoying you will start to be able to follow what is going on. They should be communicating with family about what they are thinking, what is going on and why but if the family is still feeling very alienated a call the your friends primary care P might help too. If there is a family member who attends appointments with your friend and the doctor knows or is on the list of people with whom they can share medical info it makes it much easier of course but even broadly the PCP should be able to give a broad explanation of what is going on and it might make all of you more comfortable knowing your friend is being followed by their own practitioners even though they wont be "running" things in the hospital if they make their interest known they often have input. If the patient has any specialists already who's areas are even remotely related to the current issue they too should be notified and might be a good source of info. I know each time my mom has been hospitalized her cardiologist himself or someone from his office would visit her in the hospital and consult on what was happening and they were a great source of both comfort and explanation/information for us. Her PCP was also a good source of info but from more of a distance, she had access to enough information to explain and clarify things for us over the phone or messaging and it was nice knowing she was still keeping an eye on things. Oh on that note, it would be best to have one main family contact person for this kind of thing so multiple people aren't asking the same questions and calling doctors, everything gets recorded in the notebook so anyone with access to it can read up and be on the same page (I didn't do that on purpose, lol) when a medical professional comes in with info or willing to answer questions if they can.

For now if they can have someone sitting in her room with her so the next time the nurse comes in to give her meds that person can ask if the nurse doesn't explain hon their own, what the medication's are (write it down) and ask them what that's for. That way you have a simple explanation and something to research while you waiting and worrying.

Good luck, I hope you all feel like you have a better understanding of what's going on at least soon and that she comes through whatever this is soon. Sending positive energy your way!
anonymous913508 May 2019
thank you so much for your time she woke up last night and she is feeling better now she eat something and now she is fine but just one thing Doctor saying that she cant go home now why is that ??


BarbBrooklyn May 2019
Has her family asked the doctor what the medication is and why it is being given?

Has the family asked for an explanation of her head injury? Does she have a concussion? Is there bleeding in her brain?

Have there been xrays, CT scans or an MRI done?
anonymous913508 May 2019
thanks i will ask them now i will be back soon
anonymous840695 May 2019
Impossible to say, you are lacking too much information. However, a brain injury seems obvious.
anonymous913508 May 2019
okay she woke up its good but doc gave her medicine and she slept again is it good or bad i am worry
freqflyer May 2019
Murr, could it be that your friend is in an induced coma due to brain injury?
anonymous913508 May 2019
no she was awake when she her family take her to hospital then doc gave her some medicine and because of that medicine she is not waking up till can anyone tell me why doc used that medicine
anonymous913508 May 2019

Ahmijoy May 2019
I am so sorry that your friend suffered such a bad fall and is unconscious. The doctors cannot say anything because they probably aren’t sure what will happen and are waiting to see. Unfortunately, we also have no way of knowing what will happen or how badly she is hurt.

If you know her family, can you text, email or call them for updates? Tell them how concerned you are about her and ask them to please send you updates when they can.

Hope she is ok.
anonymous913508 May 2019
yes they are sending me updates please guys pray for her


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