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Bacodt Asked May 2019

How to clear nose of an adult with Alzheimer's?

My husband has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t seem to know how to blow his nose any more. He has a lot of discharge with a cold somewhat thick. How do you clear that in an adult? Thanks!

Isthisrealyreal May 2019
I would use the little plunger suction things you use on babies.
Countrymouse Jun 2019
I love a good technical term! :)
Jessica40 May 2019
My daughter-in-law uses the Fridababy Nasal Aspirator on my granddaughter and she said it really works.  It looks disgusting to use.  I don't know all the details but you insert a small tube and suck it out.  It doesn't come anywhere near your mouth and it doesn't hurt the person.  Worth a try.
Bacodt Jun 2019
Thank you! That does look disgusting but may work better on the suction end. Not sure I’ll keep him still. Thanks for your reply I will look for one.


Rainmom Jun 2019
Rainman has never gotten the hang of blowing his nose.

So every morning, immediately after I shower him - even before I dry him off - while to nose goo is still a bit thinner and runny, I “ghost” his nose.

This is taking about three three squares of toilet paper, folding it in half and then twisting a head on it. It resembles the tp ghosts children make in art class... then gently up one nostril and twist in a circle a couple time before pulling out. I always have a bit of spare tissue in the other hand in case it gets stringy and sloppy. Repeat in other nostril.

Its not perfect but the best technique I’ve found to date.
Riverdale Jun 2019
You are amazing with all you have on your plate in life,great advice and so frequently amaze me with your way with words. I frequently find myself laughing after reading a post of yours.
Isabelsdaughter Jun 2019
If you put a kleenex to your nose and blow he might imitate you. Worth a try...

EllerySir Jun 2019
I use the squeeze bulb that you use for babies. Christy is combative, so I cut the nozzle down to a nub.
Bacodt Jun 2019
Thank you. I did buy a nasal aspirator. It works ok but isn’t quite strong enough for the thick mucus. They are way better than they were 30 years ago with the end piece short. Thanks for the reply!
RayLinStephens Jun 2019
They sell a "suction" thingie for babies - I don't see why it wouldn't work for an adult.

Or you do like with a small child - hold the tissue and tell them to blow out the nose.

Lostinva Jun 2019
Use a bulb “snot sucker” just like you do with a baby!
Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
Little plunger suction thingy for babies, snot sucker! I learned something new today. Yahoo.
Barb53 Jun 2019
You may want to try reverse psychology. Since their brains are not working anymore, try holding a Kleenex to his nose and tell him to sniff. It’s possible he will blow his nose!
Bacodt Jun 2019
Have tried that yet. Thank you!
Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
I am going to go out on a limb here, have you tried a nettie pot? It flushes the sinuses but you do have to be sitting up and a little forward for it to not go in the ear canal.

I also remember seeing something when traveling that was a similar concept to the nettie pot but covered both nostrils and was electric, I think.

I hope you find something, what an awful situation to not have a fix.
Bacodt Jun 2019
Thanks. Haven’t tried a Nettie pot. I doubt he would be able to cooperate. The electric one may work if he doesn’t have to do anything special. Thanks for the reply!
Sendhelp Jun 2019
Maybe you could reverse engineer a water pik to suction instead of squirt.
Bacodt Jun 2019
That would be great!
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