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Poiuyt Asked June 2019

How do we handle a sibling, late 50s, who needs to go to the Dr and have CBC and probably needs to be on meds but won't listen to us?

A friend spoke with our sibling, who lives alone and has night job. Confirmed our fears that he appears delusional (also hears voices). He was always obstinate. He won't let us sell our parents estate that was bequeathed to all the siblings years ago. We don't want to go to partition suit. He won't accept any of our advice.

Thank you.

Shane1124 Jun 2019
Yes, hire an estate attorney. Why did you mention CBC?
Poiuyt Jun 2019
We wonder if he has complete blood count done that maybe something will show up that he is chemically imbalanced and maybe medication would help him to be rational.
JoAnn29 Jun 2019
You can't force a sibling to do what they should.


anonymous418566 Jun 2019
Speak with an attorney.


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