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Anita7 Asked June 2019

As of right now because I live alone I would like to have someone who will drive me to medical appointments or stay at my home. Suggestions?

If need be.
thank you

TNtechie Jun 2019
Before you consider moving anyone into your home, please consult a lawyer (Area Agency on Aging may be able to help you find free legal advice) about the tenancy laws in your state and about getting a caregiver agreement in place. Sometimes it's not easy to get someone out of your home if/when things do not work out.

AAA should be able to tell you about transportation services available in your area. Many areas have van or car transportation available to seniors for a small fee.

worriedinCali Jun 2019
Just FYI not all office of aging has buses for this sort of thing. Mine doesn’t have buses for people on Medi-cal. It’s by van or passenger car through a transportation provider, you have to find one yourself. There isn’t even an approved agency in my county......


JoAnn29 Jun 2019
Are u on Medicaid health insurance. They offer transportation. Ur County Office of Aging should have a bus. At one time Red Cross offered a service. Like suggested, ask at ur Church if u attend one.

gladimhere Jun 2019
Anita is there a church or club of some sort that you could contact to help you to find a roomie?

Ask at doctor's office for ideas. Maybe a Geriatric Care Manager would be able to provide you with ideas and some socialization.


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